Blizzcon Q&A today!

I dunno, 12 is a good number but…what time do we think they will be doing this or releasing it? Cause I meannn…hopefully it’ll be early-ish.

Probably only 23 actual different questions though

3 from the first page.

Probably simple questions and non technical.

My game continuation depends on Q&A.

Not too happy about the bird of pray been grounded having walking animations instead of flying animations, it broke my hunter fantasy that’s strike one, waiting for the other two strikes.

15 but only the easy ones.

Looks like it’s up.


Only the ones they already answered in the What’s Next and Deep Dive panels. That is how the Q&A typically goes.

Not enough.

QnA felt like huge letdown lmao.

EDIT: I only watched retail part tho.

Be assured no matter how many they answer only two will be actual questions.

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So far listening, it’s understandable questions but nothing special.

Lots of warband questions.

The professions answer was predictable which is a let down.

At least we know we’ll still get some updates in 2024.

Many of those questions were presented like “What are you plans about x?” and the answer was “Yeah, we got plans about x, next question”

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Yeah I didn’t like his answers regarding early access and fair , as he specifically was talking of “Competitive players” as that makes early access even worse.

The record If I remember correctly to reach max level was 12 hours from 1 to max by a hunter. so 72 hours head start its safe to say these competitors may have 4 to 7 character max and ready to go probably even exploiting market get their professions up over a competitor that starts 3 days later.

That is not fair at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Weren’t DF professions somewhat weekly locked? So, they won’t get ahead at all, but they will meet the available ceiling before others, but who cares about that? :thinking: I didn’t do professions so I might be talking whatevers.

I was way off. 27. Mostly clarification-type questions rather than any new information, though.

Ok ill take a simple example- Sevrite ore was costing 55g per ore at launch, today it costs 50 silver. Forget about the other 2 rare ores , rare recipes and world drops , just the common one

Now expand it to literally everything in the game . Ppl who start early will have hte advantage.

Blizzard should have done the feedback first before releasing the editions .Now its too late and we have to live with it .

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Tons of Warband questions that could have all been summed up into a single general question. So not many real questions at all, which is not surprising. Disappointed that none of the guild questions made it through.

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This is true, I was thinking too much about production. But isn’t the higher edition somewhat equivalent to WoW token? I mean, the headstart they have, will it be enough to cover a token? I’m after an idea is it the same to buy the head start and play or just get wow token and skip grindin?

If the early access costs 30dollars → could you grind enough of gold in 3 days that would be worth 30 dollars?

They’re not going to answer questions that would necessitate answers prematurely announcing content.

Do you think they’ll answer more questions or no?