Blizzcon Flash Drive Nigh unkillable

So… a few years ago, I participated in the voice over activity at Blizzcon where we got to voice act Jaina, Thrall, Varian, Khadgar… and idr who else in the Voilet Tower.
They gave you the file on a little 1 gig flash drive with the “Blizzard” logo on the front.

Fast forward to this year… on top of everything else 2020 has thrown at me (family deaths, an inland hurricane, my boss of 35 yrs retiring, a 300+ case outbreak at my institution…) this little flash drive has now gone through the wash and the dryer about 4 times…

And. Still. Works.

Blizzard, whomever you contracted for this flash drive, please contract to build your servers when you update them. You’ll never have another issue.

Thumb drives are funny things. I’ve had a couple that I’ve carried for years and used the hell out of and they’re perfectly fine and others that keeled over after a year or two of extremely mild use. It’s hard to predict which ones will be the good ones, but it’s usually not the ones you’re expecting (like your Blizzcon drive).