Blizzcon Feedback (Spoiler Warning)

Starting this thread here for everything WoW-related about to be announced at blizzcon!

We will try to keep everything to this thread so spoilers can be avoided if needed!

Early access (particularly for multiplayer games) is an incredibly toxic trend. Obviously it’s too late now because it’s already being sold that way, but holy hell is it disappointing to see.

Paid beta we’ve seen before and it’s fine, but the live expansion should launch at the same time for all players.


Can only support this.


Yeah, I’m very torn on this.

I dislike that more money will effectively be an advantage, and there will be SEVERE FOMO from people who legitimately can’t afford the extra money.

(Not to mention that keeping the same price for quicker expansion pacing is going to be rough for the same reasons)

But, the one silver lining I see to this is that the launch should be significantly smoother because a large portion of the playerbase will have already done it / will be waiting for the 3 days factor.


EXPAND THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR ALTS – With Warbands, players can enjoy account-wide progression with all characters in their® account, regardless of faction, that includes shared War Within™ renown, a warband bank, achievements, and more! Additionally, a new change to transmog collection will let players learn the appearance of any gear type, even if they cannot equip it!

Holy moly am I hyped for finally getting account-wide progression!


I think this is a driving factor behind this decision. Because we’re only getting 4 new zones… and remember how rough the launch was with DF, where ALL the players pooled into the Waking Shores?

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I think that is incredibly naive. They found a way to make more money by preying on the fact that people want to play at the “real” launch with their friends and guildies, just like a bunch of other gaming companies.

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I said “A driving factor,” not “THE driving factor.”

They’re a company. They’re literally about making money. So, no, this doesn’t surprise me.

I feel for the price of the Portal Pass, more perks should have been included. Posting here as the title is BlizzCon feedback.

My other friends with Portal Pass feel the same, especially with the raffle to even attend the ceremony. Just a few more things and it would be cherry.

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I’m not sure if this is the right spot to put it but I need to say what I thought of that amazing cinematic for War Within.

First off I’d like to say that I suffer from PTSD and I knew the moment I saw Anduin he was also suffering from the same. His mannerisms, the hollow look in his eyes as he stared ahead, the moment Thrall touched him to his recoil and outburst. I felt in that moment that I could truly relate to a character in WoW for the very first time.

Trigger warning about his new design and how it relates to how I dealt with my PTSD:


His new design also relates to how I dealt with PTSD in my years, by cutting my own hair instead of doing something that would result in physical, life long repercussions.

This cinematic alone has culminated the entire experience of what it feels like to suffer from the effects of PTSD and how one or more people can truly bring someone back from the brink of darkness with care and compassion. Like Thrall said, time alone cannot heal the terrible things we have seen or done and being alone only furthers us into despair.

I look forward to Anduin slowly beginning to piece his life back together and Thrall and Anduins allies helping him overcome the things he was forced to see and do, and come out on top as stronger person.