Blizzcon 2024 cancelled

There aren’t anything to talk about or showcase since World of Warcraft have showed their entire hand in 2023 and Diablo 4 and overwatch 2 well they need more time to focus on getting their trust back and undoing the damages that has been made.

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I care this much about blizzcon —

Click bait.

Idk about the trust thing since you gotta be a certain kind of special to trust a corporation, but I get why they aren’t doing it.

A convention is a terrible investment of marketing funds in this era of digital marketing.

You cant cancel something that was never announced to begin with lol


They do not have anything to promote. The Wow Xpac will already be out. It’s too early to promote the next WOW Xpac. Hearthstone doesn’t move the needle. HoTS is dead and Starcraft died more than a decade ago. Diablo is gearing up for its next half-hearted money grab and Overwatch 2 did an Amber Heard in the bed.

This might be one of the few smart decisions this company has made.


Yeah. From a financial standpoint, it makes sense.

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I don’t need to know what may be. I need to know what currently is can be awesome again.

To be cancelled, it has to have been announced first.

Telling us there are no plans is in fact telling us there are no plans.


But you can tell people you aren’t going to hold it.

So will Blizzcon Live be a Thing like the Steam Live still?

I’ve never been to the physical blizzcon
I did do it virtually in a while back but have since lost interest in it

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canceled because they do not have anything to show to make players happy about.

But 2025 will be an extra, because of the Midnight expansion and playable high elves.


ugh please no


Don’t say something like that and honestly I see a good chance for a revival of Star Craft and who knows what direction they will take with the game. For example, it could also be a first-person shooter. Not to mention, Star Craft was mentioned a few times, particularly during the Microsoft acquisition.

However, things are not looking good for Hots as there is still a lot of silence about it even though it is actually a very good game. I would be for Heroes of the Storm 3.0!

Since Blizzcon was always a money pit for them, maybe Microsoft told them to stop doing it? Who knows.

“We’re not going to go into it at this Blizzcon…”

I’m convinced somebody said “just host micro events and save a truckload of money”

Figures… I finally get to go and its been canceled… Why do I even bother anymore…

Im with you. I love Starcraft and want them to use the IP even if its a new style game. I also loved HoTs but Blizzard came to late to their own party on that one

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