Blizzard...why are you so bad at community relations?

Why can’t you give consistent weeky, bi-weekly, or even montly updates?

Why not give us simple updates like: “We are looking at when to release BWL, perhaps x day, update soon”

This total radio silence is pure stupidity and self sabotage. Literally makes me think you want Classic to die or fail in some way. All you gotta do is tell your community what the hell your doing and when. You won’t do it though. It is so frustrating.


yeahhhh, this will get em…



Become a shareholder, maybe you’ll have better luck.


You see this place? Imagine your job being to talk to this playerbase? Lol
Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

Blizz is “bad” at communication because blizz wants to be. It’s the only logical conclusion.
I’ve offered my services to help them but alas no response.


They basically said they were releasing it in a way that wouldnt require much involvement from them. Lower your expectations and maybe you wont feel the way you do.

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If I was running the show at blizzard I’d have radio silence as well. Look at what happens when blizzard tries to be a pal and give updates. They get their feet held to the fire, and if they don’t meet any soft deadline their update has the community roasts them and acts like blizzard killed their grandma.

Updates from blizzard;

Day 1: hey guys we’re working on BWL. Looks like we might have it released by maybe day 10.

Community: OMG wtf that’s too soon. Omg wtf that’s not soon enough.

Day 10: hey guys there’s been set backs and BWL isn’t ready for release today.

Community: OMG wtf you said it was today!!! OMG wtf you promised!! OMG wtf I’m unsubscribing because blizzard hates their game and wants it to fail!


It wouldn’t make sense for blizzard to be good at community interactions while making dumpster fire tier games which is what they’ve been doing since wrath


Poor Tserik. :frowning:

Press F to pay respects.


Because Blizzard doesn’t give a crap about your concerns.

Just your money.


What do you not know about a 15 year old game that you need Blizz to cuddle you with weekly updates?



It is never enough. They could respond every day and forum people would be demanding they respond twice a day. No matter what they do they are on the losing end from the communities eyes. The vocal minority here can not be satisfied. They are better off not even trying.


Perhaps, it’s more beneficial for them not to.

Blizzard is a gigantic corporation that lacks passion for games, and is probably infested with useless middle managers and bureaucratic rot.



Because during BC one of the CM’s had an epic forum melt dow and blizzard severely cracked down on open communication.

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You see OP in order to have good community relations devs and publishers need to have empathy for their players and passion for what they do and in order to have that they need to have a soul. Unfortunately blizzard sold their souls to activision and are now walking husks who’s only desire is to make money by what ever means necessary for their shareholder overlords.


Call me crazy but considering the level of hate some community managers have gotten on these forums, I’m not surprised they don’t engage often directly on the forums. Instead making statements of fact as opposed to discussion.

If they gave weekly updates on what’s happening, it’d be a good start. When you let the community alone for months with glaring issues in the game (either retail or classic) then post pointless crap about a specific transmorg being cute, people will of course get mad.

A weekly post for both games would be nice: What’s being worked on, what’s the plan for the future weeks/months, and a quick FAQ from the week’s most popular questions/threads. Done. Would take at most half a day to gather the info, write it and post.

If you want an example, just go take a look at Paradox Interactive’s forums for their top games (CK2 / EU4 / HoI4 / Stellaris), the devs love their games and actually answer posts and keep people updated.


Blizzard isn’t your mother or your father.

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There are no forum sections for strictly Classic anything but General and Bugs. Need any more convincing that they don’t want to support Classic much?