Blizzard's reasoning for no new class

There’s definitely a few of those around here.

Honestly the only idea for a new class that kind of made sense to me was Tinkers.

I personally see those as possible 4th spec ideas for existing classes. Tinker would have fit in well though as a continuation of the Mechagon stuff from BfA (imo building off of the previous expansion is just as valid as matching the theme of the new one). Another idea I got earlier was some kind of vampire-esque blood magic ranged caster involving the San’Layn, which would have definitely fit into the theme of Shadowlands. Story explanation could have been that some San’Layn had been grabbing people during the past few conflicts and turning them into a vampire army for either Sylvanas or Bolvar. It’s not an obvious idea since it’s not based on a WoW3 hero type like the previous new classes were, but we have already seen plenty of blood magic with the San’Layn and the blood trolls.

Resources are finite and between the unpruning and tweaking all the classes are currently getting along with balancing of covenants/soulbinds/legendaries/etc and all those new customization options, they’re probably stretched pretty thin. Creating a new class is a ridiculously huge amount of work, it’s not something you can point an intern at and have done in a couple of weeks.

I wonder why.


Exactly. People don’t realize that Blizzard isn’t going to “fix” or “balance” any of the classes. At best you can hope to see some old abilities return which means the same problems they had will most likely return as well. I’m all for “fluff” spells/abilities but pretending it’s going to suddenly make everything better is silly and naive at best.

Oh well. I guarantee these same people will be back here, complaining about their classes in about a year or so.

All you do is parrot the same tired, flawed logic so yes, I’m not going to waste my time on you. I’m sorry your feelings were hurt but that’s not my problem.

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I love the part where people actually believe that Blizzard is beholden to create a new race or class when they perceive they should. Like Blizzard is somehow obligated to create a new one because they have “followed” a pattern. It would be nice but it is hilarious to see people get angry over something they disillusioned themselves with. That somehow Blizzard made a promise and yet never did.


It’s called an opinion, and, shocker, sometimes people share an opinion.


Says the guy that claimed he wanted DK to be deleted so his so beloved Necromancer could be included.

HEre you go MR Troll a nice little :black_flag:
for you


A vampire type class would have definitely been very cool. Speaking of very cool… I would have also liked to have seen a Lich class. Kel’thuzad looks incredible; one of my favorites by far. There’s another Lich lingering about in Legion, and he looks amazing as well. Just bumped into him while I was playing last night!

What a terrible response. In what way is this a “Says the ‘X’” situation?

When all you do is recite the same tired line as several other people without elaborating, without giving out alternatives, etc.? Then it’s less of an “opinion” and more you just mindlessly parroting others.

Nice buzzword and nonsensical emoji.

No matter what Blizzard does, or doesn’t do, someone is going to come here and cry about it.

“They wasted resources on more customizations! WAH!”
“Why don’t they spend some resources on more customizations? WAH!”

“Why won’t they add my favorite class (that probably already exists as a spec of an existing class)? WAH!”
“Why did they add that class? It’s exactly the same as this spec of that existing class! WAH!”


All the class spells together are basically a new class on top of the customization and any new allied races too will expand customization. I also dont want another 2 spec race. I like the 3 specs or more sort of thing.

Not speaking for anyone else, but I personally didn’t feel entitled to a class because of previous patterns (though there definitely was a pattern). It felt appropriate with how the story was headed and the Shadowlands leak prior to the announcement. And it would have been nice to have one, as it’s been a while.

What do you think you’re accomplishing by quoting people with a parrot emoji?
Irony. Your response to them does nothing more than voice your own opinions in response.

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Do you see anyone else doing that? No? Okay then. Maybe don’t spout off words you clearly have a weak grasp on.

I mean, that’s how business works, right? Reduce the cost, Increase the price.

Cost includes stuff like hiring more people or adding more content, while price is adding more zeros.

But yea, i like how they mentioned Demon Hunters ‘jump out’ instantly while warlocks left in the backburner.

Bolded- has anyone ever played those (admittedly terrible) Asian mmos with two dozen classes, but when you look closer, 3-4 of them are so similar it makes you wonder what the point was?

That’s how I feel about Necromancers, or Dark Rangers.


Doing what?

This is how you interact with people? By insulting them?
You think this is how you get people to care about your opinion?

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