Blizzard's reasoning for no new class

I’m happy to forgo a new class if we get more customization options. I have enough alts. I don’t need more.

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I don’t care the reasoning behind it, im fine with it.

Please god just fix the current classes, i want to have fun playing a lot of toons again


I’m fine with this, I barely play my Demon Hunter as is, it would probably be the same with another new class as well.

More mohawks

Can never have enough mohawks

And bigger tusks for femorc/troll

Some of us play these to make them badass

Shame breaking the Lich King helmet didn’t remove DKs as a playable class. And every DK gets to class change to whatever their race allows as their curse is finally broken.

Less new classes, more fixing the already broken ones (most of them) first.



I can’t believe I didn’t notice that emoji sooner; I’m going to get so much use out of it.


Right. I don’t know where the idea came from that everything is magically going to be fixed and balanced because there aren’t more features. Most of the major features are only viable for that expansion cycle only. With some of the stuff announced, they’re only viable for certain areas within the expansion!

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The only spec thats even close is Assassination, and even then, play different

You want to make a whole new class by butchering the class that already covers that exact thing you want, which is necromancy, even more with Blood and Frost who will be able to raise a pet undead in Shadowlands

DK are the class that raises undead, Unholy even more.

And dont complain again about Demonology and DH, just because one of your specs got butchered doesnt mean we have to butcher another one to make you happy


I’m fine with no new class, but I don’t think they should exclude allied races from the customization additions. The first four allied races in particular suffer a lack of options as it is compared to the core races right now. That gap is only going to grow wider if they add nothing to the allied races while giving tons of options to the core races.


Wow doesn’t need a new class. It needs flavor to existing classes. Otherwise you’re just further muddying the waters

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Oh, hello there Mr. Parrot. Are you hungry? Well, I have just the thing for you: :rice_cracker:

WoW definitely needs a new class. A mail-wearing ranged tank.


its good they’re referencing wod, because shadowlands is giving me the :thinking: vibe

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didnt mind no new classes, really was bugged the asthetic is only in character customizations and not class skins which wouldve been great and not take away from the 12

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I’d see their point but…its not like blizz’s track record is good here.

They don’t fix things very well very often…so not sure what they expecting.

Omfg…sub rogue has 1 thing (and only 1 thing) that doesn’t suck about it. Can be a bit strong in a few fringe cases. Do we work out a nicer rebalance or gut it?

Gut it. See guys we fix classes all the time.

If in this case you mean make people go outlaw even more…great job, I guess?

Now I hope I am wrong but this class fix for say sub rogue…is probably never coming back. It was killed in BFA for a reason. Shadow priest got castrated, again. Whoever is top of the dps meters around 9.0, they too will get castrated.

OMFG class X has been top of meters for 1 month. Nerf it its not fair…
How blizzard fixes it. to players rants on damage meters.

Which is funny. the same peple come back 3 months later whining about their nerf to come. And I laugh. When you make blizzard balance by nerf based on #1 on dps meters eventually your class spec will be #1. And you too will be nerfed for the same reason you had the prior ones nerfed…

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Personally i’m thrilled for the new customizations coming. I’ve been dying for this and i’d gladly sacrifice a new class for more of it.

Just saying that this guy only makes fun of people or looks for a fight when people dont agree with him

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They talk like politicians lots of words that really lead nowhere , everything in this new expansion has been in wow before

new zones: Nothing new there

Convenants: Just another form of faction Grind

Raids and dungeons : same ow same ow , with maybe the exception of the starter solo dungeon

Level Squish: This was going to happen eventually
Improved character customization: Perhaps the biggest farce of all , once outside the character creation screen you never bother with it , do you ever look at another players face and think I should look like that ? NO of course not , Transmog provides way way more customization even Toys add more

Blizzard is great at smoke and mirrors they like to use many phrases to make you feel good, like
Covenants — mysterious sects,
What lies beyond the world you know?
Hidden realms of wonder and horror await any who would pass to the other side
The veil between life and death is no more.

It seems like every expansion now they change things just for the sake of being able to say we changed this and that .

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If it’s worth it? Then it’ll be great.

But until then, it feels like we’re missing something.