Blizzards Population Gets Older yet they Make the story more PG?

Dunno about the rest of you but the older I get the less I’m attracted to grimdark and looking more for lighthearted. Maybe because as you get older you see too much horror in real life that you don’t want to see it in games you play to get away from real life. I now know why my father used me as a kid as an excuse to watch animated movies in theaters.


I want more cute smaller hunter pets for my gnome. The bigger ones always look like they want to eat her. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

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Honestly that’s an online space thing that people have blown up to being a bigger deal than it actually is.

I’ve been to places like California, and most people don’t act like what’s portrayed online and in the media. Most people just do not care at all what others are doing around them.

The only time i’ve experienced the kind of culture people say exist, is when I was on a college campus.

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The funny thing is despite all their recent attempts at Disney-fication/“watering down” the game’s story and characters young gamers just don’t seem interested in WoW (or even the MMO genre). So if the goal of all this watering down is to attract young gamers, it doesn’t seem to be working - seems we’re a bunch of 25+ working-class adults around here

I’m not aware of a single young dude from my real-life (either social circle, family, co-workers, etc) that plays WoW, and my side of the family just so happens to have more males than females so it’s a decent sample size of about 11 younger dudes

For example, I’m the oldest of 3 brothers, and my 2 younger brothers don’t play WoW and aren’t interested in taking up WoW. And it’s not like I haven’t tried to get them interested. Back in late WoD I gifted my youngest brother a 2-month sub (the little $30 card) so he could try out the game, he played for about a month and then quit

Later on in 2019 I gifted him another 2-month sub when Classic came out, same thing; he dabbled for a few weeks but then lost interest/dropped off

Whatever it is that they’re trying to do with the Disney-style watering down, it isn’t working with the younger playerbase. Young gamers seem to prefer other game genres these days, due to social media the attention spans just aren’t there anymore - and a decent attention span is pretty much “required” for more grindy stuff like the games of this particular MMO genre


Just like Marvel and DC its a product of the people that they are hiring/let write the story, they are hiring people who don’t necessarily love or connect with the source material and more so see themselves as activists then storytellers.

Rather then respecting the lore they self insert or try to spin the story to correct what they personally see as “problematic” by modern standards with complete disregard to the fact that this is a medieval fantasy setting.

Even taking a trip to Silvermoon these days for example you can see what they are doing to the game, the guards now look like back up dancers for Taylor Swifts current tour.


Examples? Specific content that was purged?

The irony in this post is quite amazing.


The people who say that never seem to realise that they, and their camp, are the ones getting “triggered.”


GRRRRR!! I’m a big boy so only gritty dark realistic stories about imaginary orcs and fairy elves for me GRRRR!!


Why are people flagging this post? These forums are just full of the biggest babies in gaming. Stop abusing the flagging system just because you disagree with comments!!!


As someone who is older, I’m a bit tired of being inundated with terrible news about politics, climate, war, strife, etc IRL. it’s a nice change to have the high fantasy of somewhat reasonable characters who can get along.

I mean, this is really one expansion. One. Not everything has to be complete edgelord. I’m sure we’ll go back to slaughtering each other in no time.

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That’s a good point, definitely plays a part for sure. Finding subtle ways to somehow “insert” their own personal beliefs/politics stuff into the game is something you didn’t really see back in the early/golden era - the overall story and characters were “left alone” or “left as is” back then (if that makes sense)

If you look at some of the current employees (not necessarily the devs, moreso the rank-n-file), they are definitely an… “interesting” bunch with the blue hair, tattoos, and such :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

On the other hand, when you look at earlier photos from the mid-2000’s it was mostly normal-looking people working there

Back then their focus was on making a good game and staying true to the “Warcraft” theme, I don’t really recall any political/SJW stuff being “artificially inserted” into the game back then. What’s going on now in the modern era of WoW is definitely an extension of the workers, as you said


That’s a really interesting post where it’s entire point is to baselessly insult people that are different from you.

It also glaringly shows you just prefer your politics inserted into the game


I remember, just like Pepperidge Farms, how back in the 90’s and early 2000’s when dark and edgy reigned with comics and video games because it was seen as “Cool”, gotta use the tame word, in that it wasn’t the the bright, cartoony stuff little kids liked. This was for the teens who needed more “mature” games and comics to read with characters surviving in dark and dingy places. (Which Batman still does but somehow his writers have managed to make it work for him.)

But yeah, getting older the appeal is no longer there because it’s not much of a stress relief if you’re trying to escape RL.

Which is probably why there’s now an uptick in “ Cozy” games. People just want to sit back and relax with their farms or factories instead of brooding in the corner waiting to slice and dice some demonic fiend.

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Where did they say anything about their politics?


Wanting…for example…lgbtq+ stuff not seen is a political view.

So when one harps they dont want to see that stuff (which is the complaint about politics in WoW concerning Dragonflight and recent actions 30 out of 30 times)…they are echoing a current political view.

Where one side demeans, shuns, and asks for certain lifestyle cultures to be eradicated.


Why you keep whining about Disney.

It’s not all rainbows and butterflies. It’s not much different than Mists. You know, the one everyone around here claims is the best expansion since sliced bread?


ahh my number 1 fan returns right on schedule :slight_smile:

So our society has been in trouble since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was a blockbuster hit in 1937?

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I don’t even know you. I reply to topics, not people.

But keep acting creepy and trolling your own thread, I guess.

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