Blizzards Population Gets Older yet they Make the story more PG?

Talking in general, the average gaming age is 35 now with over 75% being above the age of 18 now. Yeah, WoW might be a handful of years older on average, but most of us started when we were teens.

That would definitely make life a whole lot more simplistic lol

This has been going on for awhile. Not just that but to appeal to women. For some reason they ignore their main audience while writing for people who generally don’t play mmo’s. It’s been an interesting strategy that has seemed to have failed in spectacular fashion.

I’m not sure they can salvage the lore at this point, after they trashed it for reasons that still elude me.


That’s definately not true to any degree. Thats maybe a small sample from a population of Millions. Most adults are not attending blizzcon, have a regular job, wife/husband , kids etc.

Most of my Friends list is comprised of , Healthcare workers, firefighters, Lawyers, food service workers and yes some people who are going through hard times etc.

Your statement is extremely demeaning and ignorant to the player base as a whole.


I am 19 and hate anything with an anime art style. Every anime that I gave a chance to turned out to be the biggest waste of my time ever. If the art style wasn’t garbage enough, it is everything else about it.



  • The average age of a video game player in the US is 35 to 44 years old. (ESA, 2020)
  • 38% of video game players in the US are aged 18 to 34. Twenty-six percent are aged 35 to 54 while 21% are under 18. (ESA, 2020)
  • Gamers aged between 26 to 35 spend 7.5 hours a week playing, which is the highest among all age groups. In contrast, gamers over 60 years old spend the least time playing at 4.7 hours a week. (Limelight Networks, 2020)
  • 16.4% of players aged 18 to 25 said that they play video games at work. In contrast, only 7.8% of players aged above 60 said the same. (Limelight Networks, 2020)
  • 42% of active console and PC players in the US, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Germany, and Poland are Millennials or those aged 23 to 38. On the other hand, 20% are from Gen X or aged 16 to 22. Nineteen-percent are from Gen Alpha or aged 10 to 15 and 19% are from Gen X or aged 39 to 50. (Newzoo, 2020)

You can dig around in the actual studies if you’d like. Those are legit numbers. Now cross reference that with:

And if you you keep following those trends from 2019 outward, that single percentage is probably hovering right around 50%. Now start breaking down some demographics even further and you’ll likely see that number even higher like 60-70% for your average MMO player, once you cross reference with age brackets and whatnot. It’s 6am, definitely not bothering with that at this hour, but maybe you’ll start to see the trends.

Welcome to statistics.

Have you guys seen how badly people react to “normal” looking video game characters these days? Like MJ from Spiderman 2 or Aloy from Horizon, and so on… People lose their crap if it’s not some ultra sexy unrealistic waifu… So that’s a lot of the reason why you don’t see games like this going toward more realistic or gritty trends.


This proves nothing in relation to World of Warcraft. You just pulled a few articles to adher to your conformation BIAS. If the article mentioned World of Warcraft I would hold your points in higher regard but right now you fail to confront the issue with any reasonable specificity.


Laughing my fat tauren butt off.


Well you can google around for a bit looking up stats then, but you’ll still find they are all roughly the same; assuming they are up to date and of large enough sample sizes.

You could always ask Blizzard to release their demographics then, they’d likely closely mirror the overall trends.

Also, it’s not bias, it’s cognitive dissonance on your part and your inability to accept something that goes against what you believe. WoW’s overall demographics would likely fall within +/-15%. I know, it’s a hard pill to swallow, but that’s the reality. The playerbase here isn’t comprised of some outlier pocket of people unbeknownst to the rest of the harvested statistics.



" According to one of Yee’s 2005 studies, 84 percent of “World of Warcraft” players are male, and 16 percent are female. The average player’s age is 28, and female players tend to be a few years older than male players."

Google isn’t hard.


These responses come from a self-selected group, or people who have decided for themselves to visit Yee’s Web site and fill out the survey. This means that the results may not represent the world’s demographics as accurately as a random sample would. Instead, it may reflect a particular subset of players – those who are serious enough about the game to research it online and to feel motivated to spend time answering questions about it.

Reading is hard.


My point exactly. You need to practice what you preach.

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If people are being honest, you don’t need to google that. Anybody who has been in a guild or in a raid knows how skewed the male to female ratio is.


I read it.

Let’s compare to your sources, which… well, don’t exist. /shrug


And in another thread someone is panicking about the inclusion of LGTBQ story lines and characters being too provocative. :woman_shrugging:


Most adults with jobs have vacation time and pto that they use to do things they enjoy, including conventions of all types. Ones who have kids often take them with. I promise you all of my friends from gaming are adults, and I meet up with whoever I can when they make trips to Las Vegas for nerdy events.

I agree with you. It was more in opposition to another poster who generalized the average WoW player into a degrading position to discredit valid criticisms of the game state.

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dont ppl realize since they start making phone games pc games dont matter, look at the profit be real for a second theres pushing out more phone games as blizzard now too its been the plan the whole time warcraft d4 is just to get more people into phone games once they play diablo immortal arc light or hearthstone they might download candy crush or something too , dragon flight proves this with all the announcements of new phone games under blizzard franchises

I am, by looking at mostly reputable harvested statistics and by looking at them objectively, not subjectively. The reality is that the bulk of the non-“normie” gamers are single, never married and in the 25-45 bracket now. By normie, I mean people that would normally play your typical games like CoD, FIFA, regular single player games, etc. MMOs tend to attract the weirdos a bit more than other genres, which further ups the odds of the memes and stereotypes holding true.

Well stereotypes are a thing for a reason and the meme mostly holds true.

You guys are free to think whatever you want. The point is that the industry, as a whole, knows and creates content around these types of statistics and demographics. At any rate, the kids are up and the Monday morning chaos is about to commence, so my work is done here for now.

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If you look down at the bottom that is the reason ,why it is pg. They have tried to raise the rating but some how couldn’t. It takes a lot to do so and a lot of money to change this.

And you’re the stereotypical contrarian creating strawman arguments to validate themselves. We could do this all day.

Stereotyping is the most basic way of discrediting someone without any real argument to the contrary because they know they are arguing from a failed position.

Basically this is you, “Im right because you’re insert X superficial characteristic

Stereotyping Definition

What is a simple definition of stereotype?

: an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic.

Hopefully you learned something today :slight_smile: