Blizzard's Inaction on Server Populations is Unacceptable

Did Blizzard make you xfer? No. People liked your server better than the one they were on and vice versa.

what do you expect when you give horde on an imbalanced server that they came from in p2 classsic to do? stay on an unhealthy server that is almost 100% alliance? i dont blame any of the horde for xfering here i woulda have done the same but blizzard crapped the bed now they need to fix the problem THEY have not only created but ENCOURAGED via paid/ free xfers

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The population issue on my server wasn’t created by me. I was on a low pop but thriving server all of classic and the beginning of BC. Then it slowly got so small that even as a holy priest I had trouble finding a group. Then the guild I was in decided to transfer in mass because most people agreed that it was nearly impossible to find groups. I decided to stay behind when they left so I certainly didn’t make the problem worse. A month later with what was one of the largest guilds on the server leaving and others following them I was faced with the realization that I too would have to go to a more populated server if I wanted to play the game. Those who stayed behind didn’t create the issue. They’re left on a under populated server with no choice but to quit or also join the transfers.


Classic fresh is a meme, people will play first week just for level speed racing to 60 than quit, 12 month cycle means you have to play hardcore to keep up, not worth anyone’s time, will be dead on arrival.

I loved P2 camping allies multiple times from flight point to instance as they tried to get into UBRS or BRD.

Allies must pay the iron price to get into BRM.


When a game has services that players can abuse, it is the companies fault for not fixing the problems with those services. If there were a button you could press to give yourself 1,000,000 gold, but it was ONLY supposed to be used sparingly because otherwise it would wreck the economy… do you blame the players for spam clicking the button, or the company that added the button?
It really is that simple. It is the developers responsibility to make the game fun to play and balanced within the confines of the experience they provide. They are providing a BROKEN experience at the moment.
Yes you can argue that players would complain no matter what blizzard did, but at least you would have a playable game if they addressed the issues.

Here’s a crazy idea, why not add a pvp-buff to the faction that has fewer players currently logged in for that server. So if your faction is outnumbered 5:1, your character takes 1/5 the damage and deals 5x more to pvp targets. That would encourage people to stick it out on unbalanced servers, and try to stage a comeback.
Out of the box thinking is needed here, because obviously chiding the players for making death-squads or for paying to transfer away from death-squads is not particularly effective, and doesn’t do anything to fix the servers that are already broken.

  • Applies only to pvp targets, not mobs/bosses/dungeons
  • Would only count logged on characters (not characters offline for months)
  • Would scale smoothly as the faction balance changes throughout the day.

I bought the game and I pay for a sub. My server is dead. Game unplayable.

Why would I pay a subscription for this? I already pay the things I mentioned above so I certainly would never pay anything more.

My sub runs out in nov. blizzard, you are on notice. Clean up your mess!


The player base does not want the good solution, and blizzard doesn’t want to pay for the infrastructure to make it possible.

Agree’d the only way those servers will work is if they have a 5x+ xp rate for everything or just remove leveling entirely. No one is going to want to put in time on something that has a year-long life, but they sure as hell will raid log for harder vanilla bosses. However, once phase 6 launches and KT dies within two weeks all those players will immediately quit, because why farm naxx? So those 12 months are actually 10 months. The sole exception would be if those characters would get free transfers to retail. They everyone and the mother will be farming for corrupted Ashbringer and T3.

Fresh 70. Need normal rep farms to even think about heroics to then get raid attunes.
200-400 EF Alliance online. Almost exclusively trying to fill their raids, or a few heroics.

Blizz please send help.
Merge or link low pop servers. Make it balanced while you’re at it. Please.

No MMO should feel this lonely.


blizzard merge server or we leave!!!


Transfer fees are such a sleezy wait to make money from players who are stuck on low pop servers.


If you only care about getting your free server transfer while Blizz is trying to stop Blizz from assaulting female Blizz employees then you are part of the problem.

Earthfury is getting worse and worse each day peak time 36 alliance in shattrath please either give us free xfers off or just let us faction change here on all of our characters

They’re unethical, and that still doesn’t stop them. I still can’t believe the state of Whitemane Alliance. We were the biggest server on west coast some 12k players per faction, and near 50-50 balance, but after paid boosts for TBC, we’ve dropped about to drop below 5k players, with a 35-65 ratio, and it is not stopping.

I’m considering xferring to an east coast server benediction because their realm is closer to what ours was end of Vanilla.


Bumping post to top.

I’m not letting these post or voices die.

Speak the only language Blizzard Understands


Its only going to get worst. Use the only power you really have. Blizzard doesn’t deserve our support.


This is a 13+ year old game that needs to die. This was the excuse Customer Service kept using “Preserve the Memory of…”

The Game is build on modern client and Blizzard has the power to make changes. They don’t support the game or care about it.

Just Cancel. Its gonna collapse with the inaction.


When was the last time Blizzard did anything that wasn’t about making them more money? Blizzard doesn’t care if the servers die because if you’re still paying sub they can double dip and get you to pay even more to transfer. They know if you’re still playing TBC that they’ve got you as a consumer and you will keep paying them your money. You will never get anything for free from this company.

Update from my dead server:

1/2 my guild quit
1/2 my guild paid and transferred to a non broken server

Next month financials looking up for Blizz!

The breakeven is dec when losses overtake gains.


They get paid.

Because most of us wont be playing video games.

They keep telling you, you will own nothing.

You will eat bugs…

etc etc…

  • Live in a tube
  • Eat the bugs
  • if you’re a man and if a M2F crossdresser hits on you then you better date him or you’re a bigot

Violate any of these and they’ll get you fire, assault you, and burn down your house.

Come to think of it … receiving a date by force is one of Blizzard male employee’s favorite dating strats.

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