Blizzard's fix: "just skip our broken story events" LOL

What a JOKE. The battle for the undercity is a pivotal event and RUINS immersion if people just skip it and go back in a later phase with more gear.

You guys only had years to fix an expected problem! Oh heavens no!


A hotfix would break the game.


That won’t stop them from running full speed ahead … off a cliff. I love outrage.


As do I. I spend a lot of time on Twitter to satiate my craving.

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Yeah, how come they were not fixing it when it was removed from the game in Cata? Did they not know they were doing WotLK classic?!

All those wasted years!!


The point being they admitted to knowing it was a future problem and choose to NOT fix it only until AFTER launch, while you wait in queue. For shame Blizzard.


They have lied in blue post before, they are probably lieing in this one now. Thats why its locked. They didn’t put any effort into it. They probably won’t ever actually fix it. Just another failure as expected from this company. I honestly wish a capable dev team could get ahold of this IP. It has so much potential even after 15 years and this team/company is just putting forth the most minimal effort. I honestly dont know how they get away with charging for all these broken products they sell.


Yeah, there’s no good reason its locked other than to PREVENT the players from replying to it, because they’re afraid of what we might say.

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Don’t worry it will be fixed before your que is done.

They said they fixed several bugs with it pre-launch but layering issues post-launch has created these problems.

Layers were not even a thing in original WotLK btw.


just wasted an hour trying to complete this and THEN they post this bullsh*t? and now as a warlock i have no where to train until they fix this. they didn’t even implement this quest correctly. in original wrath there was a queue to get into a single layer and that layer put you into a raid. it’s broken because they are clueless.


You dont get to charge people money for a product and then make excuses as to why it doesn’t work. If they refunded or gave people credit it would be one thing, but this entire prepatch and launch has been full on theft from the player base.


Ding ding. There really is nothing beneficial or truth seeking out of defending a billion dollar company’s failures.


Eventually worked for me but it was absolutely miserable. The Brewfest music playing was absurd too lol


It’s so close to parody


Honestly don’t care how they fix it. What’s troubling is the simplest DFMEA would’ve shown how impactful this bug is. They either don’t do them, or they completely ignored it. Recommend doing them in the future blizz.

edit: i don’t ever remember this event being bugged across probably 6 characters back in og wrath, so I either got lucky or it wasn’t as fragile as they’re implying it was


The way some people complain about stuff makes me hope those things never get fixed. Literally get some perspective. Yes it’s bad it’s broken. Also yes, relax.


Battle for Undercity is broken? lol, shouldn’t be surprised considering the (at least Org) Scourge attack was broken too.

Well I mean if the team that made it in the first place never fixed it how is the B-Team supposed to fix it?

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silvermoon has warlock trainers don’t lie saying you have no where to train.

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