Blizzard's communication to the monk community has been garbage


have you considered and if so, can you tell me your thoughts, on the relation between the fundamental issues Monks have in PvE vs the evident and troubling performance (specifically WW and MW) they have had this patch in PvP?

One of the things I don’t understand since I don’t play the class is looking at the data of issues that all monks agree on, while seeing them dominate the entire higher MMR brackets due to how frankly, BROKEN, chrysalis was to the point it had to be NERF mid- AWC and too late at that point for many comps to switch around. On the WW side- the synergy of Vers w/the famous Cleave comps WW/DH/Elesham have showcased the incredible function and bang-for-buck that the spec gets from a stat that is also the best stat for all other content in the game? Not many specs have that advantage. I suppose, that is part of why people as you say, that “test” the class don’t see the claims?

Let me be clear, im not saying the class doesn’t have problems, i genuinely want to understand more though. How those two contradictions happen?

people were discussing classes… when the topic of a class was raised.



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Really not possible someone will always be last in the dps meter class wise which i don’t care about but alot of people do.

Another tuesday, another build update. Another week of monks being left out in the cold.


Another Tuesday, another day of wondering if they’re actually going to let bonedust brew go live like this…

For those who don’t know, bonedust brew cleaves vivify onto everyone who has the buff. And it works for brewmaster and windwalker as well as mistweaver. And it works even if you’re casting vivify and its a different monks bonedust brew.

Normally builds are pushed through on wednesdays though, so we may not be done with updates for the week? I’m holding out hope on that, at least.

In the context if this forum were in the monk class forums youd have an argument but as this topic is in GD they are pretty valid in voicing the fact that many other classes and specs likewise have not been touched at all.

I remember a time in Cataclysm where this was definitely not the case. They’re FoTM to be sure, but they have not always had a good run.

Except is not the topic of class, is the topic of monks. Again, try some logic.

Except this is a topic dedicated to Monks, want to discuss other things? create another topics. Being General Discussion doesn’t mean you go to post whatever in every thread.

people like to compare things to other things.

Another tuesday come and gone. Another week of ignored monks. Pages worth of bugs unfixed. Only two covs per spec worth taking, sometimes just 1 like mistweaver. I wonder what else blizzard is going to kneecap before launch.

And here I am leveling my monk before I decide on a main.

Leveling wise, monks have always been an enjoyable experience. Hell they’re probably one of the fastest levelers with all the mobility options they’ve got via roll and serpent kick with a speed aura on 24/7. It’s only when we try to push our class to their full potential do the cracks begin to form. It’s probably why so many people still say monk is “fun to play” despite them being consistently below average for years.

Make no mistake Blizz doesn’t care about classes and specs. Don’t forget that in the BFA prepatch most of the classes got fixes and tune ups for when we lost our weapons from Legion. Spriests, Shammies and prot warriors didn’t get jack, because Blizz “ran out of time”, until 2nd raid tier in BFA launched.

Monks have been ghosted.

What do you want? For Blizz to call you up and say it’s not you, it’s them?

And this does suck, been having a lot of fun with my monk lately learning it in the content doldrums

I love my Monk, I really do. I’ve never really played WW or MW so I guess it’s my fault. They deserve some love, they are a very dynamic and fun class to play, they also have a nice learning curve and work well for newbies. I applaud your bravery in the posting this, stay strong, sit tight, things will get better. I think we can blame the magnifying glass put in Monk in Arena and we can certainly blame a lot of their PVE prowess on that. It’s a tragic way to balance a class, and the fix there is, in my opinion to make Arena have a flat ilvl, regardless of class or gear. There’s been many backflips over the years and way too many complaints on things that wound up making classes very gimp in other avenues of endgame.

The game needs to be fixed at the very core for it all to work for each individual class in PVE and PVP. I’d suggest scaling in PVP would certainly fix many of the problems, because the stun Monk saw a heavy nerf back in WoD and has since not played well really. I’ve heard of versa stacked (99%) WW monks 1 shotting ppl in BGs via corruption glitches. Still not fixed either. As a Brewmaster, most of this stuff is overlooked by me, when I dig around a bit, I find a whole mess of problems, ranging from totally overpowered to completely gimp while being the same ilvl. This is a core systemic problem and should be addressed ASAP.

I honestly feel bad for you guys. No class or spec should be neglected so badly tbh. WoW team really needs to have a dev that at least plays the spec so that they can work on it. Because I doubt anyone there touches the class on a grand scale.
Speaking as a SV Hunter IK the neglect. Class spec is fun sure and that’s an unpopular opinion to have in of itself, but because of the neglect it has issues. Our Blue post doesn’t satisfy me at all. Hopefully you guys can get your own blue post soon.

They should make a patch for them called the tears of the Golden Child… if you can cross a seemingly impossible zone without dropping a single drop of water from the cup you must carry you will be blessed with a permanent buff that stays with you even after death… This way only the dedicated Monk gets the buff while posers can jump around in the allied city of their choosing…

That’s keeping the Lore on fleek and would be hilarious.