More and more alliance transfer off Skeram every single day. Whole guilds are transferring off. Why has Blizzard not closed the free transfers off of our server or at least restricted them to horde? Our server doesn’t even have a queue anymore.
This is seriously impacting the long term health of our server and has to be addressed now before it’s too late. Faction balance in vanilla is much more important than retail.
I have noticed there is way less Alliance out and about, it disappoints me when I go to Blackrock and just see a bunch of Horde hanging out when a couple weeks ago both factions were all over the place killing each other.
I’m curious as to how you’re measuring faction imbalance. I can’t think of an accurate way to do it since they put limitations on /who.
Sometimes I notice more horde and other times more alliance maybe people layer exploiting end up in zones with more players of their faction because they’re avoiding the other factions players
The definition of “Horde” is a large number of people. So it only makes sense that there is more of them.
Alliance look stupid. It’s not surprising not many people are rolling Alliance, frankly.
Cowardly alliance only wanna play where they have the majority and can freely kill all horde, hence why they keep moving away.
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Says the Horde on a server that is one of the most imbalanced H:A ratio servers out there. Makes sense.
If the ratio is already bad, whether you let people xfer off or try to force them to stay and they end up just re-rolling or quitting, they’re going to stop playing there one way or another.
They don’t HAVE to do anything.
What does Blizz have to do with this. Alliance did this to themselves. They not only made their original server even less balanced than it was before but they also wrecked the balance of the new server as well. What have you to say for yourselves?
I did it to avoid q times. I figured since im rerolling id play for the underdogs and went from horde to the alliance too. Was a good call, our server feels really balanced with a slight edge to the horde population wise.
So when you say, “Alliance did this to themselves” i read that as Alliance have half a brain and went someplace they could actually log in and play and go to a balanced server.
Hope that clears things up for you!
Enjoy your stay on the lopsided, soon to be DOA once layering is removed, server you are on now.
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The thing is, once BG’s come out, you’ll be glad that you’re on teh minority faction.
In vanilla, I transfered from Arthas to Mal’Ganis for that very reason, fast queue times as alliance.
I hate to say it but if I was on a server like that i would free transfer too. the hordes on that server will quit if they like pvp and it’s no alliance to fight or do bgs vs and over time that server will 100% be dead
Why does Blizzard “have to comment about faction balance”? The current set of transfers is intended to solve a queue problem: a problem with over-populated servers. It was never intended as a way to “improve” faction balance.
If your server has a free transfer, then YOU can decide. Should you stay, or should you go?
The third option (stay, but set restrictions on what OTHER players can do, to make YOUR game better) is not being offered to you.
Why do you imagine that you are so important a person that Blizzard will restrict OTHER players to help YOU?
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BGs are cross realm. Your realm could be 100% Horde and you’re still going to have lightning fast queues.
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Faction segregation on pvp realms is what WoW players ultimately prefer. Based on my observation of the realms pop shifts since vanilla so it may be biased.
I think among the largest Classic pvp realms, Faerlina has a good chance of maintaining faction parity, only because of the streamer community and only as long as they remain active. If Asmongold stops playing Classic, the Horde streamers will take over the server.
How do people make these claims without providing any proof or information on faction/server balance?
So stupid.
likely because once phase 2 hits there will be a queue again. the wording used by blues implies that they are reducing server pop cap when they remove layering and that servers that are currently full will have severe queues when this happens. i assume high pop servers will also end up with decently long queues when this happens.
worst part is, they did increase server cap.