Blizzard you didn't fix honor

it still only gives 220 for a win lol
you guys would F up a wet dream


They literally said it wont show up but will be there if you open your honor tab. I’m getting almost 800 per AB win, which is 4x what we were getting yesterday.

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They said it wouldn’t show properly on the scoreboard in the blue post. It’s working fine with the actual honor gained.

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Then were is the bonus at the end of AB. Why is there no additional rep gain at the end. AB weekend is NOT working properly.


lol so its fixed but not showing up? so how is that consider fixed?
and yes AB bonus is not working

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Are you seriously complaining because you’re too lazy to read? Just admit that you made a mistake.

I haven’t been in AB yet to comment on that. It sounds like Smiteme is saying that’s working too.

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It’s straight up not working. Even checking my honor tab it’s only gone up 200 after a win

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You’re getting about that much from HKs too which is about right since before the buff an average game would give around 300-400 honor if you got a decent amount of them. Before the honor was doubled AB would award 20 honor per 200 resources. After the fix you can check your PvP tab and see it’s only awarding 40 honor per 200 when it’s supposed to be 80 since it’s also AB weekend.

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