Blizzard, you are failing this game. Warrior POV

Look, I understand this is not the avenue to deliver a complaint or request but it’s been too long without any answer. Why are the Class balance Dev team not addressing Warrior complaints. Repeated knee jerk nerfs all season, little to no compensation for them. Leaving us in a situation where we do not get to play the game as we go higher in Keys. Warrior is not the only class in this state. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I am sick and tired of seeing triple Paladin or Shaman groups doing keys. Way to make the game stale and awful if you are not one of those classes.
No wonder this game is quickly falling off the deep end. You refuse to do anything about it and let it fester all season. Now we are simply stuck here because YOU Blizzard, refuse to do the right thing and make the rest of us on the same level as Shaman.

P.S. - To anyone that is a meta enjoyer, congrats you rerolled to the easy class to progress with. I do not care, and your input is of little value. You have the time to level 10 characters, fine. You already have a character ready to flip flop at the drop of a hat. So just keep your trolling and un-helpful comments to yourself.


Blizzard literally doesn’t care that your class is weak. They don’t mind if you reroll to meta. They don’t tune for all classes to be good in m+. Why do you think fury hasn’t been meta for 8 years of M+?

If every class combination can run a +10-12 comfortably, they did their job. Don’t like that? Wanna push high keys? Roll a blizz sponsored class.

Because it hasn’t been meta. At least your character name is accurate. You obviously can’t read, but this is not just 10-12 range keys we’re talking about. No I do not want to roll a Blizz sponsored class. That is the problem I’m talking about. Blizzard use to have a saying, “Bring the player not the class.” The state the game is in, that is by no means the case.
Especially for Ret paladin, that is the poster child of stupid. The dps spec designed to be usable by absolutely anyone and get top notch dps.

Blizzard, you can do better than this.

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Understand that the issue here that you are describing is entirely high end M+.

In raids, warrior is historically good and brings a raid buff. This expansion they were (and still are, to a lesser extend) a powerhouse for raid progression.

World first guilds took 1-3 DPS warriors, Hall of Fame guilds take 1-2 DPS warriors, Cutting Edge guilds take 1-3 DPS warriors.

Mythic+? Warriors are very strong in the low bracket (1-12) but taken less in pugs for common sense reasons.

Design wise? Warriors can switch between 4 different specs (Arms Slayer, Colo, Fury Thane, Slayer) depending on damage profiles required for the fight. You can always justify a warrior in your comp because they’re so flexible right now, and presumably in the next tier aswell.

What’s the weak point you dislike? Overall Warcraftlogs statistics aren’t high enough for you? Are you trying to push +18 keys?

If I looked at your logs, would I see a frustrated warrior who’s being bottlenecked by a weak class, or would I see a middling player not getting invited to keys?

Sounds like the ‘not caring’ is fairly mutual. Sorry to hear it.

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While Warriors are not alone in the side lines when it comes to higher keys, doesn’t mean it’s right. The nonsense of 4 different specs is kinda silly. Prot, Fury, and Arms. The hero talents do not change things enough between the two to call it 4. That tells me you may not play the class.

When a boss fight lines up perfectly to exactly what our damage profile is, sure. I hate how people always bring up RWF garbage. They brought 2 dps warriors, because it was the next best thing since Trill was at a PVP tournament. After the RWF is over, none of that matters anymore to the rest of the players wanting to do the content.

To go back to my original post and add a bit. WHY warriors are pretty annoyed. They design something perfectly fitting for our dps profile and nerf the heck out of it. Target caps, aura nerf, ability nerf, the list goes on. They sort of threw us a bone, but not enough to counter the crippling nerfs. When you sit back and look at a lot of the different aspects of dps (for a M+) stand point it’s telling where the problem is.
A lot of classes are carried by 1 or two abilities, where warrior are not. Survival, Wildfire bombs. Paladin, Hammer, (I could go on a lot about my hatred of Ret paladin). Both Shaman, Tempest. There are more but these are the ones that popped into my mind first and are pretty drastic.

Now I don’t think all classes need to have one button carry them. I just know that with the upcoming dungeon and raids, it looks like it’s gonna be a lot of wide spread cleave and tons of area denial. Meaning Warrior loses up time and falls that much further behind. So now we will see the opposite side of the spectrum. The raid and such that doesn’t match our Dps profile, and we sit on the bench for raid as well.

I didn’t mean to sound hateful to you Pinkslop, in my first reply. The “practical joke,” of warrior buffs and instant reverting of them certainly bothered me.

To the final question:

I don’t know, prolly the middling player not getting invited to keys. I’m currently pushing 15s, but invites are non-existant. Groups will take a 2nd or 3rd Shaman, or Paladin before most classes. Which is where most of this anger comes from.

Almost as bad as people who ignore logs for the entire season where warrior has had a dps spec doing well throughout most of the raid. Funny that…

Being near the mid is where you want to be as a dps, unless your braindead.

warrior has been nerfed considerably since the races it started the expansion with fury being mid pack single target and now its dead last about 20% behind the top and midpack overall because it pads on bosses with adds do you have any idea how logn ago the races were warriors currently holds only 2 spots out of all the bosses in mythic raids hunters hold 25

I don’t think they can. WoW try to be a competitive game in some modes, but they often fail.

You’re complaining about meta rotations, they don’t know how to do this properly so they try to do this by buffing and nerfing specs arbitrarily. And yes, they completely forget about a few :sweat_smile:.

But you can, the video game World of Warcraft as it supposed to be, an MMORPG, in the case of M+ is untill the +10 difficult, cause that is the reward cap.

You absolutely can “bring the player not the class” no problem, but beyond that is competitive territory.

While some of them were kinda valid early on, the rest that followed and the atrocious state right now of Fury in the PTR is definitely telling they make changes without thought or considering the consequences.

An oldie but a goodie from mid Cataclysm has still stood the test of time regarding this whole subject.

The only thing we can do is wait until they decide to change gears :rofl:

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Damn, that image hits the nail on the head.