I just noticed this guy, Topher Rushcog, for the first time. It’s been a long time since I visited Light’s Hope Chapel so I honestly don’t know when he was added. I looked him up and discovered he was another tribute NPC, which is very touching as I used to play Magic the Gathering.
Anyhow, I’d love it very much if you could put that model of headgear in the game, Blizz. Put it behind a tough grind if you must, I will do it. xD
Crown of Endless Knowledge is in the game, but there are a couple colors of it only available to npcs. I’ve seen blue in northrend dalaran, and green in alliance Tol Barad. I’d never noticed the colorful helm the OP linked to.
If Blizzard went through and cataloged all the gear variants PCs couldn’t get then made them available, their art team could pass on doing new item models for at least a couple raid tiers, if not an expansion…
Aye I used that one for a while. I want the one I linked above specifically because of all the colors though. Goes nicely with my rainbow staff and jeweled onyx panther. I’m aiming for a specific theme there. xD
I’d be okay if it came into the game as a cosmetic item.