Ya, when it came to ST it just got destroyed by 2h Frost… You guys will stretch it as far as you can to try and say DW was a ST spec. Fact is 2h Frost was the first single target attack I ever saw hit for over 5k in WotLK. 2h Frost did things DW could never think about doing in terms of ST and burst. 2h was viable in more than raids and was versatile and could do things no other DK spec could do.
Just look at the effort you guys are putting into trying to stop people from getting back 2h Frost. If the shoe was on the other foot I would be posting in favor of DW frost being given back. I would be posting that taking away weapons that the DK was released with is wrong and akin to a scam. That DW should have ever right to be played as any other spec, that it’s a core part of some players DK play style and for Blizzard to stop being cheap and do the leg work to make it happen.
“Don’t give them any food, I might have to give a little of mine up…” Disgusting ethics.
No, it didnt. It just had a flashier number pop up on the screen.
DW was a single target spec. DW was critting for what… 25k-28k with obliterate in ICC with 0% ICC buff, and Blood 2h with Death Strike was critting for pretty much the same?
And no, we arent trying to stop people from getting 2h back, its just your arguments dont apply to getting it back because they are bad arguments. Whats wrong with saying “i like 2h and I want it”?
Your argument is just a strawman entirely. Has any one of us that you have responded to said “no 2h”? Or just pointing out the past? 2h was playable in the past as well. Was it viable? Depends on the guild and what is meant by “viable”. Seen a 2h frost player in pvp only critting for 14k with shadowmourne, while DW was critting almost that much with agi weapons when you combine both main hand and offhand crits together. There werent any 1h str weapons during that time.
HB wasnt exclusive to DW either. It was used in 2 situations by both 2h and DW. To apply FF, even in single target because it hit harder than Icy Touch unless you didnt want to break cc, and Rime procs. That is until you got into MoP/WoD.
Dual-wield outperformed two-handed in every tier except for the blunder that tanked the entire spec in Highmaul. It wasn’t “destroyed” in single target over the vast majority of the spec’s history, and literally came out on top 9/10 tiers.
Your personal anecdote doesn’t mean anything to this coversation, but good for you if it’s a happy memory.
Versatile is a poor word choice for what you yourself have described as a single target only playstyle, lacking the ability to deal meaningful cleave damage, much less AoE, or we could note that two-handed was poor at target swaps due to needing diseases up to make it’s one meaningful ability hit for it’s full potential.
Nice strawman. You’re looking for enemies, and not really reading our posts if this is what you truly believe is happening. You aren’t worth responding to going forward if all you can do is blindly accuse me of being against bringing 2H Frost back, in spite of several posts saying otherwise, just because I’m willing to be honest with the details.
Yeah their credibility is entirely shot for anyone who seen what they posted in another thread. Or at least it should be.
Just shows they arent reading, or blatantly misquoting to suit their narrative. Or they just dont understand what they are reading.
It was literally 3 lines as well. 2 from another person and 1 from me. No wall of text either so they cant use that as an excuse, it was literally a 1 line post.
Not to mention that Shadowmourne, the legendary 2h DK THEMED Axe is a 2h.
Were there any other classes besides shamans way back when, that could dw or 2h in a spec?
2h Frost Please!
Hunters could though they didn’t really use their weapons and were just stat sticks. There was a small window where they would use them or even could use them.
Druids couldn’t/can’t dual-wield. They can only have one Dagger/Fist/Mace equipped at a time, with an off-hand statstick. The only time they’ve dual-wielded was with the Feral/Guardian artifacts.
Yeah I just tested this. That makes not the slightest iota of sense. It seems like the only reason they removed the weapon options for other specs besides Frost is so that there wouldn’t be accusations of unfairness and discrimination against DK. There is no reason Druid and Monk shouldn’t have the choice.