Blizzard "would like to do" 2H Frost

Actually, my math is correct straight from Trumpknight themself. Since they gave what their tooltip listed and it matched my math. So you are just a compulsive liar at this point.

Oh, and I also said that armor would reduce its damage, so I was right again.

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Nerves of Cold Steel was in the frost spec which increased the damage that your offhand did by 25% as well as increasing your hit with 1h weapons by up to 3%.

Blood had the 2h weapon specialization talent in it. So technically Frost had a focus on DW while the other 2 had a focus on 2h. Was it better, I dont know, maybe it wasnt and since it already had a DW focus within the tree they needed to add something to bring it in line with the other specs.

But the same argument could be said about Might of the Frozen Wastes that was introduced in Cata. If people say 2h was doing better than DW, why did it need a talent to increase melee weapon damage?

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bruh by that logic, blood was 2h, frost was dw or tank and UH was a spell caster because it had spell hit.


Blood was 2h, Frost was DW, and the Dk needed spell hit because it has instant cast spells. Whats the problem here exactly? Death Coil is a spell and you needed to reach spell hit cap for it to hit all the time, the same with Howling Blast, and if I remember correctly, the best option for Frost was to go into the unholy tree and get the spell hit talent.

I mean the spell hit talent was right in the first row and gave 3% hit for spells. It just cut down on the amount of hit you needed from gear.

Seriously, what is the issue here?

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Because you go from blood having a 2h spec, so the other two specs wanting to be 2h while frost had dw and wanted to be dw. It’s like your mind blanks at the idea people played 2h frost. it’s honestly fascinating because it’s so random. You can’t put the two strings together that people played frost, and played 2h. Like what on gods green earth do you do that causes you to have this kind of mental blank.


i know people played it, its just that it wasnt as good. so whats your point?

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There was never a point during the period that frost could dual wield and also twohand that a dual wield Frost DK beat me.

Not once.

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Now you’re handwaving it away while addressing that someone else saw a video in another thread. What the hell is your nonsense. Stop avoiding the numbers just because you don’t like them.

Seriously, I need to know what drugs you’re on, or are supposed to be on, because this is just bonkers. Fallen Crusader didn’t/doesn’t function any differently based on weapon types, it was still the same Strength bonus, and an absence of Razorice buffing Frost damage is still just that - an absence of 10% Frost damage that could have been there. I don’t even know what to do with your misguided notion that that Fallen Crusader had a stronger effect for two-handed users, somehow. Do you think that Frost Strike, or literally any damage in out kit, didn’t benefit from a Strength buff somehow?

It’s entirely true. It was 1 PPM at launch, then in 3.1 they nerfed the effect, but doubled the proc rate to 2 PPM. It has since been raised to 3 PPM. This is not hard information to find. You’re claim doesn’t even make sense if it’s not PPM, because then it would just be a flat chance, and dual-wield would have had way more procs via more hits than a two-handed weapon. You’ve picked a lose-lose position here.

That’s never been the argument. I legitimately didn’t see a single person on all of Scarlet Crusade play 2H Frost until ICC, and that’s because that player was tanking. But I absolutely believe that people did what they wanted, because I even saw a dual-wielding Prot spec in BC. I don’t think anyone so far has tried to discredit that people actually played this way, only that it was designed or superior.

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Apparently you’ve fooled yourself into thinking that two different people are the same.

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With no citation, this is plagiarism.

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Not true. When you gotten shadowmorne for two hander it was very fun playing frost or blood or unholy with it. I’ve played and always played two handers during beginning of wolk and all the way up to wod before legion took away two handers.


And I played on multiple servers in wotlk and saw many. No one cares if its superior numerically, I’m not even after all the changes most of the other posters want. Just transmog and some numbers shuffled around. DW Frost was superior in one aspect of gameplay, 2h in another. No one cared, you saw plenty of male worgen frost dks that dual wielded to the point it became a meme to the pvp community. Didn’t stop the male worgens


Did… you just claim not true on my anecdotal experience? Wat.

To be fair, none of us believed your anecdote to begin with. :man_shrugging:


Honestly it wouldn’t kill them to simply just lift the restriction, not just for dks but all other classes as well. The ONLY reason it was done in the first place was the Legion artifacts and those are gone and done. Balancing have always been a turbulent ride and Legion/BfA haven’t really been any different, asides from the lack of variety.


Keep stroking your own ego, you are the only one that cares, no way to check what you are saying is true.

But assuming from all of your other posts, it’s just a lie.

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Do you disagree with yourself? And learn what plagiarism is, me saying that you said that your tooltip for obliterate said 10.4k is not it.

And you did say it thus confirming my math to be accurate. For someone who doesn’t play the game I know a lot about it and it sticks in your side like a thorn that you can’t get rid of because how can someone who doesn’t play know about the game, this low ilvl non-player. It’s crazy right, almost like I have eyes that can read.

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And balance, and ease for the developers, and so that players don’t complain about player y has better damage when player x is using something inferior.

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Then keep playing Dual Wield? I don’t see why people think it’s one or the other.

BuT MuH LOgS SHoW DW iS BeTTeR…who cares about a few % one way or the other. Unless you are a world first guild any and every spec is viable.