Blizzard will not ban bots

If you report bots they get banned. I get confirmations all the time that action has been taken. You can’t automate the system to ban bots, it’s just not possible without affecting the innocent accounts. If you want something to change, you need to help make that change.

Nerds tried to flag my thread but blizzard gave me the nod of approval and vetoed the flags

What are bots?

Do I think Blizzard is going to ban people who have voluntarily given access to their accounts to third parties who are running bots?

I hope so.

I don’t play on Whitemane. From what I’ve seen on the forums, the majority of people who are paying for third party services to boost them are on Whitemane.

If you’re stupid enough to name your pet a Chinese name then you deserve it.

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It’s a shame that they don’t put more effort into battling cheaters. pointing at blizzard because they could do more.