Blizzard will not ban bots

Having thousands of GMs in-game is not a financially tenable process.

I see all the regulars are back from their suspensions.

I just don’t understand how blizz’s security programs cant detect programs that are being used to teleport and flyhack.

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“cost of doing business”

You need to understand that Blizzard is unable to instantly detect all the bots. There are a massive number of botters and they level up bots faster than Blizzard can ban them all. If Blizzard just went in with guns a’blazing, even more innocent players would get accidentally banned.

Thousands??? LOL!

The hyperbole is insane.

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How do you intend to police every zone 24/7 in a massive game without hiring hundreds, if not thousands, of new GMs?

Yeah, they get by Warden pretty successfully. And that’s what Blizzard uses so there ya’ go.

You set a GM in every server. The GM has the tools to see every part of the game. Monitor the trouble spots first, ban the fly hacks, watch the lotus spawns for teleport hackers, monitor starting zones and hot spots for bot farming.

Doing this with one GM on one server would eliminate as many bots in a day as they do now in a week. And that’s being generous for how many they ban in a week.

Blizzard needs active GM’s in the game and they have ZERO.

How is this different from already having a handful of GMs who watch the automated process?

Spend ten minutes in any forum based around WoW cheats (not gonna name 'em here, obviously), and it’s easy to see how dedicated the botters/scripters are. We’re not talking about the AutoHotKey garbage of the old Vanilla days; these guys are effectively patching in memory and bypassing a great deal of the Lua infrastructure.

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Unguilded hunter with a nonsense 5 character name. Hmm can’t understand how anyone would think you’re a bot…

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The “automated process”??

First, Warden has proven to be incredibly inefficient. Bots and hackers found a way through all that years ago. Secondly, they’re depending on customer reports. What do they do with this report? INVESTIGATE OMG!!

It’s redundant and inefficient to investigate player reports when the GM could monitor and ban. Quicker, easier, instant and efficient. But of course Blizzard would have to hire more than 3 people.

I remember during the golden years of MMO’s, a type of cheat/hack or even a potentially game breaking exploit would be discovered, servers would come down immediatly for an emergency maintenance. I guess my expectations are too high for this generation when micro-transactions and profit margins are more important than game quality/integrity.


Psst… if they ban a bot they are forced to resub on a new account. Banning bots actually turns a profit.

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Warden is an extremely important tool in the fight against bots. I’m not going to explain it to you but you should probably look it up and actually understand it before making blanket statements about a technology you clearly don’t understand.

This. They also obfuscated the client/server protocols starting in 7.3 (origin patch for both retail and classic). It maybe bought them some time before the botters had it all figured out.

It’s kind of like how designs for currency keep changing because the counterfeiters get smarter and smarter.

It’s cute the OP thinks the monthly sub drives Activision onward.

It’s the services fees my friend.

People are so touchy about being wrong that they flag posts now?

I was told to flag people propagating blatant misinformation, that’s what I am doing.