Blizzard will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING

… Before giving us playable Nagas and Ogres.

I am tired boss.
I have been waiting for my sea drow for twenty years.


It’d be cool to see a branch of Naga that were either half-cured or had a semblance of controlling their ‘cursed’ / ‘blessed’ state.

By that I mean if they utilised it in the way Worgen did.

  • Such as Naga who can transform back into their Highborne / Night Elven form, and then transform into Naga when in combat.

Such would also give Blizzard a loophole for mounting animations etc too. :person_shrugging:

No offense my man I am really tired of giving the small Indy game Dev company excuses to port a twenty year old race in a half-assed fashion.

Naga have had more visual, animation, texture, and even SKELETAL CHANGES than any other race. They can ride side saddle or they can be curled up in cockpits.


So. Ogres they would totally mess up. You can’t make them the size they are in lore, so they would come out being the size of a Tauren, looking tiny a f. Naga tho. Mmmmm. Want me some naga.

Ogres run a huge gamut of sizes, from barely taller than an orc to as tall as a vrykul. I feel like a LOT of them suffer from “NPC size syndrome” where they scale things up according to how big of a threat they want it to be.

Consider this art comparing Grommash to Imperator Mar’gok. I’d place that around tauren height but substantially thicker around the middle with a lot of bulk.

Meanwhile, in-game, he’s easily twice that height because he’s a boss in a raid. I wouldn’t put much weight on how big NPCs are to how big they’d be as a player race.

Ultimately, there’s no good reason ogres can’t be playable other than that they’d need to tie it to the base theme of an expansion and we’ve already done Warlords of Draenor.


If Blizz were to do this they would have done it back in BfA when they were relevant.

I’ll also mention, there’s a certain quality that would be lost on Naga if they were to be made playable.

Same thing happened to Eredar, suddenly these demonic beings with mystique became bog-standard and lost any kind of significant presence in the story when they appear.

Blizz flipped a coin in Cata between Ogres and Goblins.

Goblins won.

The closest we’ve gotten to playable Ogres was in WoD with their model update, and we’ve yet to get any indication of them being added anytime soon.

If anything, friendly Ogres have only become more rare over time as NPCs. Blizzard seems to firmly place them within the ‘easy go-to villain’ category.

That being said, I’m not against the idea of either of them being playable. The only problem is that these races have been pretty irrelevant for a long time… When it comes to new races, Blizzard wants to add whatever the new, shiny, expansion-fitting thing they just came up with.

Maybe in Midnight with a return to the old world will make Naga and Ogres relevant enough again to be added as playable, but I honestly doubt it.

We are never getting another unique player model that can wear transmogs bud, I hate to say it but it’s not happening. If they do add another unique player model race it’ll just end up like Dracthyr and not be able to wear any armor, Blizz will then lie and say that they did this because of race and class fantasy.

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Naga and gnome shaman, a real long time.


What if I told you that Naga have armor meshes and have been player-armor capable since late BC? You can even witness these meshes on Legion/BFA Naga.


I wish we could make Naga… they have some really cool looks.

Ogres… well I’d never make one, but I don’t see why others can’t.

Shaman for all races! For something they claimed they were doing they’ve been frustratingly silent.


Honestly I’m still amazed the Worgen got picked over the Naga for a playable monstrous Blue race.

But given the treatment of the Worgen by the narrative it’s maybe a small mercy that wasn’t the case.


Azshara having diplomatic relationships with malfurion and Tyrande? That would be a big reach.

Though i suspect naga might be relevant in Midnight.

Could always say it was a rebel offshoot of them. The Scornscales or whatever. With the ones connected to the Illidari now being good enough noodles to go to the Megadeath Concert afterlife it seems a little silly they’ve never been playable.

As for ogres? Meh. I get some players have wanted them for awhile but I don’t see what niche they’d fill. I’d much rather have Forest Trolls tbh. Said for awhile we should have Jintha’Alor run by the Revantusk as a Horde lower caste c capitol with connecting boat routes to Dazar’Alor and the Echo Isles running from the old village.

Forest Trolls are up there with the Defias in terms of groups who are constantly the villain despite having actually extremely good reasons to act villainous. So some kinda happier ending where the Revantusk lead the reasonable EK ones sounds cool to me. Plus you could work the undead mossflayers into the Forsaken who along with the San’Layn kinda work as middle men to smooth over that complicated relationship with Silvermoon.

If I had to shoehorn playable Naga I would go with remnants of Vashj’s naga to try go with the belves.


Naga have the same problems as any race with not enough limb accuracy like centaurs. But Ogres are a musthave really. There is no reason to rejoin them to the Horde. And at the lore accurate size, just make buildings higher. Blizzard is not a small indie company they should actually put in work and resources to make it happen.

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no one wants to play an ogre
they want the ogre to be there but dont wanna play it themselves

moknathal look better and are easy since they are the kultiran model

i agree nagas go on that side of the horde with nightborne and blood elves

I do. Speak for yourself.


I have 200 hours on ogre magi in DOTA 2, you don’t speak for me.


Regarding Ogres:
Playing the big dumb brute is fun. Playing the big brute who is underestimated as being dumb but is actually pretty cunning? Even better.

Regarding Naga:
I feel like this is less likely now because of the dimorphism between “Body 1” and “Body 2” in this race. i.e. Bestial serpent/monster head on one vs. 4 arms on the other. That’s enough reason for them to shoot down an idea, I imagine.

It’s not a technical issue and never has been. Also, I don’t get why “They have 4 arms” is an issue at all any more than dracthyr having wings is an issue.

Debatable since the wings are only on a model that can’t equip most armor pieces.

Also don’t mistake that “technical issue” can also just mean “it’ll take more work then it’s worth to do”. That is also a factor in making a player race or any other feature.