Blizzard why are you so bent up on having borrowed power?

Borrowed power is still power, it matters not where it comes from. You just don’t want to work for that power.

I don’t want to work for it and then lose it all and start over.

Gear being like that is enough for me…

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I can understand the frustration but what alternative would you propose?

Isn’t the fundamental purpose of the game just that? To rebuild your character over and over every expansion, pushing higher into the capability of the class?

Too bad, the rest of us like being challenged.

but even before borrowed power we had to relearn our classes every expansion , it was/is what keeps things fresh .

Borrowed power should of been the norm right from the start


It was never this extreme. I don’t need fresh every two years. Destro has been the same core since MoP and I still have fun with it.

If anything they’ve just taken away from it for no reason.

Yep, that’s pretty much it.

Blizzard’s current issue at the moment though is that their base classes/specs aren’t engaging enough to standalone by themselves. If they were we wouldn’t care about losing the powers each expansion because the classes would be sufficient without them.

But pre-artifact legion, bfa release, and shadowlands alpha have all shown us that is not the case.
I truly wish Blizzard would look at that first before their borrowed powers systems instead of trying to use them as bandaid fixes.


Quite simply because they want us to regrind variations of the same abilities every xpac

This team awards nothing for max level ,which used to be a major dopamine event with a reward of new abilities

The current B team has created long grinds that never existed before under the founders that had the huge subs

The current B team is resigned to lower subs and sells gold in the cash shop so they care about /timeplayed over anything, a direct correlation to higher cash shop micros

Fun isn’t the goal of the current lower tier devs, only stats for highest micros and retention mixed with a general negative attitude towards the designs of the founders that built the brand to success

These are the stewards of the slow death and the best devs have bailed

Wow is less fun because of it


Disagree, it’s better than ever. Sorry you don’t feel the same, but how would you know? You don’t play it.

Same. However, I feel that part of the problem is the philosophy of utilizing the “borrowed power” systems as “features” and selling points of the expansion.

If they had “actual” strong features, I think the borrowed systems could have a lesser impact on class sustainability and actually leave room for classes to stand alone without them.

I know what I am saying isn’t a cake walk, but it could be a step in the right direction, in order to keep the systems while at least attempting to prevent gimping classes when those systems aren’t in place.


Yeah, that is a good point. Having the borrowed power systems trying to be the defining part of the expansion to overshadow the lack of large unique features added to an expansion could be something they are intentionally doing?

That being said we are at least getting Torghast in Shadowlands which will be a nice change of pace.


Lets be honest, they can barely keep things relevant between patches, let alone create something that is the fountain to the game. Borrowed power is just to easy for them. They create a player experience around a gimmick then hit reset. Most people they are targeting dont care as long as they get cool mounts/pets/toys/mog that doesnt come from the cash shop.


I want to thank you guys for explain to me more about this problem .

This is all unsubstantiated opinion that frankly does nothing to help push the discussion with either side.

From a business perspective, it’s asinine to think they are “resigned” to lower subs. That’s just not how a successful business operates. Period.

We have so little information on the inner workings that none of the things you stated can truly be proved without jumping major oceans of biased conclusions.

I know and lament the many people that have left Blizzard (Chris and GC my top two), but that’s just part of the cycle of life. There are still A LOT of people there that have been part of wow since the “successful years” or “glory subs age”.

J Allen, Ion, Fitch, Kaplan, Afrasiabi, Holinka are all OG veterans. They aren’t “new kids” to the franchise.

I think as long as we (the players) don’t have any information on the active subscriber count, and detailed gross margins of the franchise, we can’t make any assumptions of what their purpose is behind their design philosophy.

I think you design with the customer in mind (at least attempt to). The issue is whether or not we have a clear understanding of what or who that customer ultimately is. GD isn’t a representation of the wow population by any means.


I used to. But then I kept getting trolled and would keep making the mistake of responding to the trolls and inevitablly get myself suspended. So I try not to do it as much anymore :zipper_mouth_face:

I think they’re really scared. They’re convinced this is what people want and it’s the only way they can keep people playing. Creating these leveling systems on top of the current one(which btw is completely obsolete so why even have it).

It has to be a grind that keeps you playing. You have to somehow “progress” your character(like leveling but more gated) or you won’t be playing at all.

In a way it reminds me of fps games from early/mid 90’s. They had a scoreboard. That was it. Nowadays they have ladders and EXPERIENCE GRINDS… apparently this is what people want. I guess just playing a game isn’t enough, the players have to be engaged and be sure they’re not just playing for fun but to grind something.

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Not entirely sure what this means…

The reason it’s called “borrowed power” is because it’s borrowed. At a certain point you have to give it back. If you didn’t end up giving it back, it wouldn’t be borrowed.

Edit: Oh, I think I realized what you were trying to say. “Why remove borrowed power as a system?”

Why should characters be reliant on someone else’s power? Borrowed power is a cop-out excuse to not take the time to actually design classes properly.


So people don’t want to be depended on a system of power? We might as well be throwing bones and using leather shields.

Im not going to dig through every interview Ion did but i do remember around the first few months of bfa during the supposed mass exodus, Ion said something about these systems being easier to balance without the worry of long term gameplay effects. Pretty much why so many systems (like glyphs) and abilities got pruned. He even admitted they went too far.

I never needed a grind to have fun. I suffered through it so I could get to the point where I could have fun.

Getting my pvp gear was a chore. Only once I got it could I then have fun.