Blizzard why are you so bent up on having borrowed power?

Why can’t classes be solid and complete upon reaching max level?

Why not just work on ridiculously good looking Gear, dungeons, and raids?

Is it just too expensive to do so?


it’s because Ion made a deal with the devil where I have to talent for Ascendance, Cloudburst Totem, Echo of the Elements (or get Earth Shield back) but hey at least I get a nice teleport that is gonna be mandated by any serious raiding guild or M+ group


I asked why remove borrowed power? No, answered maybe you can enlighten me a bit. Take your time :yawning_face:

They do every expansion… Thats what borrowed power means?

Because people expect new skills and power gain each expansion and continuing to give players abilities without any sort of removal becomes ridiculously bloated really quickly.


Objectively speaking, in theory borrowed power allows them (seems to be) more leniency and freedom when it comes to development. They can go places they normally wouldn’t, because if they don’t work out, you simply scrap it and move on to the next system. It allows for more “complex” ideas to coalesce without having to think about how those systems will come in play 5 years down the line.
I mean… imagine with the scalability of corruptions, how problematic they would become if they were allowed to continue into SL and beyond for example? Or if you could retain your HoA forever and just keep building on more and more essences?

Is it beneficial for the overall health of the game? Well… that’s another story.


So it’s the bloat no one like then?

From Blizzard’s perspective it prevents them from having to going through another wildly unpopular ability prune in the future. It also allows them to put new active abilities in the game. Then, once the expansion is over they can keep stuff they liked and drop the stuff they didn’t.


Thanks but I consider my power to be earned. Also, I’ve seen top end geared warriors are trust me when I say they are very solid.

Math man, it’s math. Think it through god.

Because they did that, then they noticed how they cant keep adding talents and abilities because it causes bloating.

So insteadd their solution is to add a system then change to a new system each xpac

it is their solution to an identifiable problem.

Now I would agree classes need more attention as their base


It’s not that people don’t like the bloat, most people don’t understand how constantly acquiring new buttons would actually affect them, and many people already don’t use many of the buttons they already have.

It’s more that Blizzard understands that for a game with an indefinite lifespan you can’t continue with the same process of adding 3 new abilities to each class each expansion without it eventually harming the overall game and certainly without harming class identity.


Ya, no thanks. I don’t wanna be max power just from getting max level. In case you haven’t heard, WoW is a game that is focused on max level progression. Without these systems there would be nothing to do like in WOD.

I get this, I tell people the same thing, but I feel like players aren’t fond of relearning the game every xpac. I personally don’t want to play a new game every xpac, I want to play World of Warcraft


You won’t be, that’s where gear comes in :slight_smile:


So it’s more like they don’t want to change as they go.

You mean like how they didn’t have these systems before wod and there was nothing for people to do at max levels in expacs like BC-MoP

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Eh. Ostensibly they do it to avoid character bloat like what happened in mop. Personally I don’t particularly like it but I understand why they do it. What’s incredibly stupid however, is the fact that they haven’t implemented some sort of meta continuity between the latest expacs like paragon levels or something just to, at the bare minimum, give an illusion of constant progression rather than now how your character goes poof at the end of each expac.


I can wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

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This has never been the case. Also, the game has always had borrowed power. Why would you expect something different?