Blizzard... Why are you ignoring us?

Every Ashran I get into is 20 vs 40 in favor of the Horde. When the match starts and it’s imbalanced, more people leave than come in. In all of your coding wisdom, why allow the match to start with such an imbalance? Can’t you code it to hold off until it’s closer to balanced?

I had pics to link, but this page neither lets me link them nor upload. I suppose you guys don’t want to be shown your faulty design.

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blizz ignored our hundreds of messages in previous season regarding glitches, demos that quit working in wg, and so on… they ignore pretty much everything… Ashran still exists, case in point

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W 0 W sux now

Post the link but just put a space somewhere so it doesn’t submit as a link.
Or highlight your text and click the greater than/less than icon (the </>) in the reply box and you can post a link. Like this

Also, it’s not faulty.
Working as intended.

Just my assumption, people taking a break from wow, and waiting for the next announcement during Blizzcon. Of course, a portion are playing classic. Not fun on horde side to wait 50 min to get into bg either.

It’s unacceptable you haven’t at least rolled an alt and joined us. Leave BFA behind, be happy.

literally why I quit retail
I actually -wanted- to keep playing retail, but my playstyle was destroyed.

took a break from bg’s last couple days, thought I’d take a stab at getting one in before work this morning… 20 min que to get thrown into a losing ioc that opposing team broke down gate just as I joined the bg… stayed the 5 mins, got the loss, re qued, and am now into 40 mins of waiting on new bg… time is up, off to the office I go
after 15 years here - thinking its time to move on from wow

I cant find anything half the time either
I usually play late at night or “Weird” hours after work , so I queue for a bg or world boss or dungeon or something and the pool of BFA people is so small that I just go to classic instead.

I’m not into Classic, at least not right now.
Classic has zero end-game and I abhor leveling, especially Classic leveling which is just 90% running back and forth - quest progression is terrible. “Hey run to the other side of the zone and kill these mobs to get 6 claws.” 20 minutes later “Great you got them! Now run all the way back there and kill this guy to get his robe”. Like really? You couldn’t have told me to do that when I went there the first time? I don’t know how people are gonna complain that Retail is a time-played metric when the content in Classic is almost entirely a time-padding travel simulator.
If we had BGs then I might play. But that isn’t until phase 3 which is likely 6+ months away.

Classic is boring. Retail is stagnant.
WoW is a hard no for me right now.

This isn’t even an exaggeration… and yet I think that’s why people are so hooked on it.

The moments of wonder separated by long periods of nothingness keep people hungering for that next experience.

In some ways I think it’s more effective at maintaining addiction than the RNG loot tables with McForging.