Blizzard wen't out of their way to break the Census addon, why?

Please explain to the community why it was so terrible to see how well/populated the game is doing? Why was it so wrong to see faction balance?

I really want to know


Aside from being inaccurate?
It’s un-necessary? All it does is make people cry “WAH IT NEEDS TO BE PERFECT 50/50!!! OR I CAN’T PLAY!”

People don’t need to know. Just play the game and enjoy it. If you can’t play without knowing the exact balance, don’t play.


Because it was wildly inaccurate and so many server queries can impact performance.

It’s more amazing to me that anyone put stock in it.


people just enjoy confirmation bias. they rarely care how accurate the information is at that point.


If Blizzard wanted faction metrics to be available they could easily add it to the server selection UI menu. I suspect they want this unverified information on the downlow to prevent un-natural server migration behavior. There’s also the possibility that Classic player counts may be PR/News stories they don’t want to deal with right now as they still suspect that retail-leaning players will drop Classic. Basically even if they had good PR now in a month or so these numbers will be in decline as players who just don’t enjoy Classic but gave it a fair shot return to retail WoW. A negative PR peice on Classic’s numbers will probably be viewed more than just a positive one.

TL:DR it’s preemptive damage control


They broke the functionality behind the classic LFG add-on, census was using the same functionality so it was also broken in the process. It was a side effect, not blizz going out of their way


Stop repeating this nonsense.

LFG can communicate with its own chat channel


It broke the /who function for mods. It didn’t target this one mod in particular.


The most current speculation is that sendwho() was broken in order to break the mods that gold selling spammers were using.


How does anyone know that it was wildly inaccurate? It’s the only tool available to review that data. There isn’t anything else to prove that the numbers are wrong.


Here’s a better question. Why do you need to know the information? What does the information do for you and how does it benefit your gameplay experience? Blizzard tells you already if the server is new, low, medium, high, or full for the population when you are on the realm list and yeah I know. knowing the exact numbers may help, but again, how does knowing that info help you personally to know how many horde or alliance are on that realm and how many exact people are on that realm?

Truth be told, It’s nice to see the info, but it honestly don’t think it really does anything but just cause more complaints and arguments that aren’t needed.


Pretty sure this was the main reason. It was affecting how the server ran having those queries running.

Collateral damage. Blame the anti-addon ayatollahs in Classic.


So are AH add-ons next on the list?

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It’s a meta-activity that’s not part of the game, so it’s not really much of a loss even though I liked the data as well.

I suspect they didn’t like the BFA vs Classic population comparisons which were being used to troll a portion of their playerbase.


Probably because it never worked correctly and literally everyone who went by it was wrong.


Thanks! That explanation has the most truthiness of any I’ve seen so far.

It showed that Classic is way more popular then retail. It seems obvious why they broke this add-on.


If I remember, they had to limit the number of AH server queries about ten years ago too because it was affecting server performance.

The add-on has to run multiple /who on all the zones at once and then add in a bunch of players running it, yeah, I can see it possibly causing issues.