Blizzard wants SOD to end

With the release timing of classic2 and HC I firmly believe Blizzard has called it quits on SOD.
They had one of the most ugly releases I’ve seen with AQ40. PTR vendor in SW and AQ raids being absolutely busted.
If you’re going to stop trying with SOD can you atleast say so. The player base is hurting and the prep needed for AQ40 is too much. I see majority of the average player base calling it quits this week.
Banning the players who bought T2 will only hurt the already dying player base. Players should not have to suffer because of blizzards stupidity. We pay monthly for a game. Do some work please.


Nah the people who were dumb enough to buy T2 off obviously unintended spawn in vendors from the PTR deserve the ban hammer coming their way.


you don’t understand how this playerbase would react to that.

they can’t just say so. we spaz. hard.

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not only that. The raids who cleared AQ just when it released are basically ****ed. Bosses were the OG vanilla ones, allegedly not dropping loot and when they fixed this issue, the damage was already done for those who cleared it early. It’s a really big middle finger for those guilds who prepared for it.

Also, the tuning is all over the place. Ruins is a complete joke even in hard mode, while Temple is much harder tuning-wise. This is especially so for the 4th boss,Fankriss the Unyielding, who for some bizarre reason is spamming worm adds like crazy. If you are going with just a 20-25 man raid, you are gonna have a really bad time there.

Honestly, this ****show release is a embarassment on so many levels.


you’re an extremely silly billy if you think anythings going to happen to them
pardon my french


Instead of wasting efforts and time on rollbacks. They need to focus on fixing AQ40. No one cares if others got T2. We all are 2T decked out by now. Just finishing correcting AQ problems


The earth is flat also right? Seriously, you doomers need to get some help. Every week its the same old blah blah. Dont like SoD, then don’t play it. Your pojections are not reality.


I’m fine with that IF they put a t2 vendor in orgrimmar for a few hours also.


Honestly couldn’t work out if Fankriss was just over-tuned or bugged. The spawns were insane and they were critting tanks for 10k when enraging.

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I think they could keep doing SOD phases but I think it’s a learning experience & they want to end SoD after phase 8 because they have ideas for the next season. And I have to assume everything they added in SoD, much like Season of Mastery, will still be featured in subsequent seasons, with new features added on top of that.

I think the biggest thing that hurt the playerbase during SoD is the general grind of 40-60, and then the early 60 phases became very hard to catchup.


You probably let people crap in your food before eating it.

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To be fair, I want sod to end too.

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They keep giving us SOM stuff and not fixing bugs it definitely will be time to call it

Come again litle bro?

Fight fight fight

No they don’t, they are just incompetent and can’t stop ruining things that other people did correctly because of hubris and ego.

Another one of these posts huh? Anyways…go play and less forums bruh.

just crazy to me blizzard doesn’t have the resources to spend on sod. re-releasing classic fresh should require virtually no resources. would be awesome to get additional content for SoD

how is that crazy?

They do. Theyre too greedy to care anymore