Blizzard trying to villainize Tyrande

But everybody loves Ecto-Cooler!

Tyrande is not going to be a villian, like how people were hoping Jaina was going to be a villain at start of BFA and be the one to burn down tedrassil. She’s more than likely being set up to be a major alliance character for next expansion in the hunt for sylvanas (thrall or zappyboi might be the horde’s equivalent), then they’ll probably have malfurion talk some sense into her and NElves will go back to being on the back burner for humans and orcs (and maybe Alleria.)

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Not if the night elves are fighting in their OWN territory for their freedom. The horde is still occupying these lands even though they promised not to invade.

it’s root words mean to kill a specific group
genos and cide means the killing of a group, not just killing mass numbers
and lemkin and further while including mass murder as a potential form of genocide never REQUIRED it, one can have genocide without mass murder and one can have mass murder without genocide

intent matters, and no it wasn’t.

people can use words however they like, it doesn’t make it accurate
or are you saying that every school shooter in america has engaged in genocide? since they’re synonyms

genocide was coined in the 1940s and has NEVER meant mass murder, it can include mass murder sure, but they’re not the same thing

You’re probably right.

Make sense, all they know is tree hugging and now they lost the biggest tree they had.

I’d become a villain after loosing my tree as well after how many again? HEY THALYSSRA! Oh… 10 000 years.

Race or people.

Expanded upon as it was made a more specific term over those years.

It’s like arguing with a wall. :expressionless: Try doing some research. Right there, listed as a synonym.

Oh… so it’s okay to define it however you want to, but not okay if someone uses it differently or gives you base universal definition. Gotcha.

The author uses the term. It’s their decision. And it’s not incorrect— because they used it purposely with intent.

But since you refuse to even acknowledge what’s right in front of you, quoted and in black and white, I’m done with this.

My feeling is its about gosh-darn time that an Alliance hero was made into something other than a peacenik pansy-pants.

I’m surprised people still care about any of the characters in this game at this point.

We don’t know if they are still occupying these areas though, in 8.3 we see that the forsaken and undead night elves have returned to the plague lands.

Well only like… 3 of them?

I’d assume the lands are either horde controlled now or completely destroyed, and that’s why they left

Did I miss word they were just giving away allied races?

As long as do the story and grind rep mechanic for AR races lives…this AD with this yrel will live on forever.

not really, it’s still the intentional destruction of a people
it can include mass murder but under no definition does it require it

the base universal definition doesn’t require mass murder, and it requires intent as per the “deliberate” bit of destroying a people

except we never saw any intent from her to destroy the night elves as a people, she may have been thinking such things but we’re not presented with evidence of that (yet)

if you have evidence of her intent great…show it and end the conversation with actual evidence

you mean not taking what a writer states over what is presented in the game and media formats they choose to use?
calling something X doesn’t MAKE it X

if the writers decided to start calling froustmourne an axe it’s still an axe
if they decide that the blood elves are now called dragons they’re not dragons (without further transformation)

an axe doesn’t become a spade, calling hafhjsfhjbdhfshd a proper sentence doesn’t make it so without further context of some language

in order to actually be effective words have to be…y’know as defined

so where precisely can i get this definition that makes all mass murder genocide without it being a deliberate effort to destroy a people?

you keep saying it is so

off topic, but it was rather fun Rhielle, we may disagree on whether it was genocide or mass murder…and not so much the evil nature of it

but thank ya at any rate :slight_smile: have a good one!

Erm… that’s not how the timeline works. lol


I doubt that will be the situation thou. Andiun has to be smart enough to know that the Tyrande would never accept a peace agreement that didn’t involve the Horde leaving the NE lands. So unless the writing is about to reach an all time low, they will pull out of our lands but that won’t be enough for Tyrande and she (and Genn doesn’t seem to be big on the whole peace deal either) will continue the conflict on their own.

Calling an abstract item (like an action) something in a fantasy game is very different than changing the name of a real life item, especially if they are in grey area either way.

Going by your thought process, the winner of a Mak’gora must be taken into custody for Murder (willful and intentional killing) because that’s how we see it in our world. There is no leeway for the writer to change that to fit the narrative they are trying to tell in Azeroth.

unless that action is welldefined

the Mak’gora isn’t an action irl

moreover, until recently it was perfectly legal to kill someone in a duel to the death, until recently one could actively get out of alot of charges by fighting to the death
and the people that still believe in such traditions culturally are usually not deemed murderers by society as a whole even in places where such actions would be illegal (though performing such actions in countries where it is illegal…custom or not will get you arrested and tried for murder)

dueling isn’t innately murder, and that is all the Mak’Gora is

it’s why no one considers the Broderick–Terry duel murder even though a senator died

What’s that? An alliance hero going evil?

Ohohoooo. We can’t have that. Only horde heroes go evil.

Haven’t you learned yet?
Red bad
Blue good
Pink boy good
Purple lady bad

Well, not sure if you’ve checked some of the 8.3 dialogue yet, but that’s exactly what Anduin wants from Tyrande

There’s a difference between being evil and being right but just portrayed as evil.

That’s what blizz seems to be planning for Tyrande. She is right in everything she says and does and blizz will still make it look like she’s a villain. That’s our main concern.

Except the dialog never states the what the fate of our lands will be. It just mentions the peace agreement and she refuses. I am saying that if that agreement didn’t come with the unconditional return of our lands, Andiun was a fool to even think she would agree.

I like the fact that Genn and her appear unwilling to let it go.