Blizzard, this is the answer

As a long-time World of Warcraft player since Vanilla, I’ve noticed a decline in player enjoyment. I’d like to share three potential improvements to increase player engagement and satisfaction.

1. Balance Server Populations

Achieving a balance between Horde and Alliance players on servers would introduce a World PvP dynamic, adding a new layer of excitement and danger to the game.

2. Increase World Quest Difficulty

Making world quests more challenging would encourage players to collaborate and socialize with others on their server to complete regular quests, promoting a sense of community and cooperation.

3. Revamp Dungeon Queue System

Removing queue systems and requiring players to find and party with others on their server before heading to dungeons would foster a more immersive and social experience. Dungeons should be challenging, with a higher risk of wipes, to make gameplay more engaging and rewarding.

Implementing these changes would likely lead to increased player satisfaction and a renewed sense of community. While there may be initial resistance, I believe it would ultimately improve the overall player experience.

  1. Balance out servers. There should be similar amount of horde and alliance players on servers. This opens up something I’ve talked with many people about and will increase fun as it adds a danger dynamic – World PVP.

  2. Increase difficulty of world quests, which will make players have to be social again and find people on their server to help them do regular quests. All quests should not be solo-able

  3. (hardest to implement, but i think is the #1 thing that has killed the social aspect in the game)

Get rid of queues of all sorts. The fact that I can press a button and queue up for a dungeon then get thrown in with strangers who don’t even talk to each other makes it feel mechanical and unsatisfying. People should look for others to party with on their server, then have to walk to the dungeon itself. The amount of people who don’t know where the dungeons actually are show they aren’t exploring the world anymore. I’ve been back on wow for over a year now, and I haven’t made any friends because there’s no need to. Dungeons should be harder. No one ever wipes anymore. It’s boring, not challenging. The chance that the whole group dies should be there if people are being reckless or not playing their part well.

If you implement these changes, and revert back to the older way, I can guarantee you people will enjoy it more. You might get pushback at first cuz they’re so used to easy mode, but I would bet everything I own that it will improve overall happiness.

I hope you consider these changes.

Classic wow called they want you back. World quests dont need to be harder they are meant as a side activity to make gold.

They will never remove rdf because the playerbase would riot at least some would.

Its too late to balance servers they should just make all servers pve and bring in the warmode fir those that want world pvp.

None of these changes would effect my community. I have my guild. I dont care about strangers from other servers not talking in dungeons they arent on my server and i probably wont see them again.

When did you start playing wow? Did you play it before? Were queues there when you started?

players proved that they do not want this by always making servers go one sided blizzard even stopped people from making x faction they just stopped playing or played a different server.
players like the idea of WPVP until they get ganked 20 times and all the quest givers / mobs are dead nodes are being camped etc. its not just wow ALL pvp based mmo’s eventually end up being one sided.


At this point they just need to make one super giga server for horde and alliance and just call it a day. Because it is really obvious no one cares about anything but population of ones faction that the things that come with it.

the players have shown time and time again they hate this. during TBC pre launch when transfers opened up they all transferred to make servers 1-sided and theyve been like that ever since. they do this on SoD and everyone hates it due to the layering so this won’t ever happen in the progression servers. also, literally how would they balance the servers that are already active and have been active for 4 expansions already, by forcibly moving around characters and breaking up guilds?

people would just stand at the quest area, invite people who a re nearby, say nothing, kill the mob and then leave.

dungeons don’t give gear worth wiping over, and having to run to them after manually forming groups is a thing of the past no one wants to keep doing if theyve stuck around for Cata

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What if my idea of fun is not talking to people in a dungeon that everyone has done dozens of times?

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I talk to people, I interact with others, I enjoy myself and have fun. When I stop consistently having fun I will find a new game to play.

I don’t think any of the points made by or are inherently bad but I also don’t think they are what the majority of the current player base here wants. The balanced servers, as mentioned before, have been shown to not last time and time again and that is due to the players choices.

I personally enjoy rdf as an option and like the current leveling pace but unlike op I don’t pretend to speak for the majority, that is just my opinion.

That’s a whole lot of words just to say you want the Classic Era experience.

WoW still has Classic Era up, as well as Season of Discovery, and Hardcore mode (Vanilla). They’re perfect for you.

As for server balance, it would be nice, but it’s a fleeting fever dream. Never going to happen, but one can wonder.

  1. Server population balance would be great but…as players decide where they play this one is outside of Blizzards power. Incentives dont really work. This is a community created issue that cannot be fixed by Blizzard. I believe even if Blizz would collapse server options to 2 or 3 the players would make them faction dominated

  2. I d welcome that very much. Leveling grind is so aweful because you dont run into any challenges anymore and kill everything in 1-2 seconds flat. Involves some serious coding tho and thus, again, is outside Blizzards capabilities as the remaining monkeys on their payroll cannot comprehend the problem nor have the caapcity to change anything meaningful

  3. RDF was introduced because a lot of people pushed for it. I cant see them undoing this

No it really would not. People hardly talk now unless it is toxic trash talk in trade chat.

They had this and there was an app to look for groups of people to make it easier. Before or after didn’t foster any kind of “better communications”. It was no more immersive or social.

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During Phase 01 of SoD, there were a couple of things that solidified the experiences of WoW over the past several years, and opened up some of why I enjoy Classic as much as I do.

Notably, it was that (for me at least) QoL is Retail. It doesn’t help enjoyment, but simply removes elements (often RP elements) from the game that those who play it get to share in experiencing together.

An example of this is that for SoD, they moved the graveyard for Blackfathom Deeps to be right outside of the instance, rather than a relatively long walk back. I’m sure that my guildies thought I was joking when I told them that was the biggest disappointment for me of SoD during Phase 1, but it stands.

As for server population balance, recently, I’ve been playing as Alliance on Faerlina, and it’s probably the best experience I’ve had in modern WoW in a very long time, and that is largely due to the population disparity.

Like World PVP? This is hands down the best experience you could have. It’s more or less exactly what one might describe as a small community PVP server, where there are a handful of fairly known guilds and players that work together to share resources - I know who to go for for pots, who is setting up WPVP groups on Saturdays, etc. And there’s never a shortage of things to do.

Whoever says they both like PVP and they want faction balance to enjoy it doesn’t actually like WPVP. Maybe they like balanced, instanced PVP, or maybe they just don’t know what they are stating. Or maybe they are just flat out lying (to themselves perhaps). But it’s very easy to enjoy and it exists for those of us who know where and how to find it, in abundance.

Have you considered making your own game? I think it might be, at this point, the responsibility of people who love games that don’t feel that the games available on the market actually hit in all the right places develop innovative new offerings, as that seems to have been what Blizzard did initially, and maybe now’s a good time for a passing of the torch.
