Blizzard this is BEYOND unacceptable ( Guild Bank items NOT being restored for some guilds)

I’m Shocked reading this and I feel that this NEEDS more awareness

This is beyond unacceptable HOW are you all even saying it’s a “incomplete” restoration, any respectable software engineer and even programmer knows the concept of snapshots. So you all DEFINITELY can, Your all choosing NOT too. Which frankly feels criminal, how are you telling your customers that “oh we made a mistake but to bad, it’s lost” with no compensation. You all HAVE to make these guilds whole, theirs no excuse.

If you all don’t how can we trust that this won’t happen again EVEN more so now with the Warbank system, which folks have placed personal items that stretch back since Vanilla. This isn’t some small private server, This is a billion dollar company so Blizzard needs to pull in all there resources, lock in and fix this correctly not just pass by and put your hands up and say oh well

I’m shocked reading this, how can anyone feel comfortable supporting or even playing the game if this could happened to them and they lose their items or Data


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Guild Bank Missing Items Update