Blizzard, the minimize spellbook option does not help when it is still dead center screen and covers actionbars

Come on, man… Action bar 2 is barely visible behind the pointlessly massive spellbook panel while bar 3 is eclipsed entirely, and for some ungodly reason it is in the center of the game field, meaning if I have a problem midfight and need to grab a spell out of it I’m blinded. Why do you insist on fixing things that aren’t broken?

There are nearly two hundred pixels of empty space that could easily be removed from the bottom of the book.


My thoughts exactly.

There’s an addon called BlizzMove that lets you drag most windows.

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The new spellbook is too tall for my screen as well. The devs seem to forget that some of us do not have giant screens. I play on a 17" laptop in windowed mode so that I can have wowhead open at the same time that I am playing.

UI/UX has gone in the toilet since DF, breaking nearly every UI/UX 101 convention that exists and seemingly using the “don’t do this” list as a checklist of goals.

There was an interview on a gaming site with the guy responsible for the UI revamp in it. It’s literally just one guy. He was not only outsourced but I’m pretty sure he’d only done mobile game work prior. Which explains why there are so many stupidly near-full screen elements. The new spellbook is atrocious. It is now a posterchild for form over function, and it’s hilarious how the goal was to consolidate multiple tabs into one to save space, when the thing is a massive waste of visual space.


Giant screens don’t matter. I’m on a 60" screen and the spellbook is still sized for a monitor from 1985.

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