Blizzard -- thank you for tank Brann! I might convince my wife to play again

My wife has always loved to play healers. The problem is that playing a healer has gotten progressively more difficult with so much to monitor and do. Having children and careers has taken a lot of her time and she doesn’t feel like trying to keep learning all the things or relearning classes or shifting specs to keep up. She also got tired of the toxic nature of some players – sure it isn’t everyone but 1 out of 20 is enough. So with tank Brann I might be able to convince her to come back and play in 2 player delves with just us and Brann. So thank you for that.

Now if you could create raid versions of delves that would be awesome as well.


This is pretty much it.

My friend groups at the moment are all basically gamer couples. Biggest barrier to WoW for people who want to get into it are the attitude they get along the way.

Our guild is helping someone’s wife play holy priest for the first time but omg we are avoiding randoms like the plague at the moment.

So the combination of follower dungeons + quests into (hopefully) delves is turning out to be pretty sweet.


I just have to convince her to stop playing Infinity Nikki now… lol!

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Don’t be soo quick to praise Ion and his crew. Brann will be just as bad of a tank as he is a potion dispenser.


We’re not getting Brann again, everybody swore up and down before the expansion came out that we’d get a Horde-themed companion for Delves in season 2, because Blizzard is fair and balanced.

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I find Brann’s healing fine, but much like the hunter in follower dungeons he likes to shoot at mobs I am not pulling or bounces around and disengages into random packs. Usually isn’t a big deal besides making the delve take a little longer, but gets me in a pickle sometimes on the rogue.

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I think Brann works because in the lore he doesn’t really have a particular class. He just is an explorer. So really the best NPCs for that position have to be pretty much classless. You can’t have an NPC that already has a specific role. I don’t know a lot of well known NPCs in the lore that fit into that category.

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How about Kiro?

A furry over an explorer dwarf? Yeah, no

Sure. He is classified as a healer but you never really see him in that role so that would work.

So strange to see people say this. I wonder if they’ve ever played any other online competitive multiplayer games. I’d easy put CoD, CS, Dota2, LoL, Overwatch, heck even Marvel Rivals communities as being more toxic than WoW.

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You answered your own question.

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As you said, those are competitive multiplayer games. People know what they are walking into when they play one. Wow has competitive modes but it isn’t inherently a competitive game.

Unfortunately, the competitive attitude has a spilled over into the rest of the game. It’s socially acceptable in wow to kick a new player from a leveling dungeon because slowing down some meta chaser who is leveling the latest FOTM is a cardinal sin. It’s unfortunate for an mmo to have its players be a liability but here we are.

Blizzard responded by making follower dungeons and delves so the non-competitive players can have a pleasant experience without having to interact with the rest of you. I expect this trend to continue as the game gradually becomes more and more multiplayer-optional. That’s easier to sell.


Follower dungeons might be another thing she might like as well. Not super in the reward department, but I think sometimes they count for quests.

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They count. They’re also good for farming things (cloth, Seisbarg,etc).

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Sometimes weeklies say heroic or higher I think.

From what I tested on PTR in a tier 11 delve he is fine as a tank if you are a healer. You are still going to run him as a healer if you are a dps.

If you take some gear off to lower your ilvl, it changes to normal.


Yes, I just did a tier 3 on my virgin rogue , that never did it before and Brann worked flawlessly with unbroken iron idol , although I admit to rogue tanking a bit to speed things up ( took about 23 minutes , to do Earthcrawl mines).

I also did the same delve with my Disc priest and somebody commented a 70 disc soloing Earthcrawl at tier 3 was OP, but I assure you, its attributed to Brann tanking.

The only thing he does that’s annoying , is to pull the mobs behind you, but I allowed for that after a bit.

I have but my friends wife hasn’t.