Blizzard Survey: New Classes

Healing and/or tanking too

More DPS classes only make the queue times worse. I can’t play DPS cause I can’t stand queue times

You’re granting the median GD poster way too much credit by assuming its ragebait.

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I think Warden/Spellbreaker works best specifically because it would justify a tank spec

Astromancy-focused caster would be hard unless they make the first clothie tank out of it (but absolutely works for a healer).

You could take spellbreaker as a tank, Warden as melee support, battlemage as a melee dps.

For tinker, Apothecary healer, gunner/Slinger as ranged dps, and Artificer as tank.

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Also too many of the class options are just bad versions of classes we have now. Lol

So even if we say there are red herrings, the only real classes listed are likely “prismatic” “titankiller” and “astrologian”, which actually sounds like one class, specifically a “thregar” or “chosen of azeroth” class.

They might also be seriously considering a technology-based class, a bard class (or maybe bard would be a spec of Thraegar or whatever), a new magic class, and/or a new weapon type in the form of pistols for something, whether the weapon is for a new class or for a pre-existing class such as Rogue. Maybe some sort of new Leather-wearing ranged class or a new spec for Rogue is being thought about (Gunslinger/Gunner sounds more like an idea for a fourth Rogue spec than a full stand-alone class, or perhaps something that would be rolled into Tinker).

I believe that the Outlaw Rogue pistol was datamined as a transmog appearance earlier this year. There’s also been a focus lately on technology-themed transmog appearances.

It appears they are looking to add 1-4 new classes (probably over the course of multiple expansions, they probably wouldn’t add more than two classes per expansion, if they even do more than one new class per expansion), though if I were to take a guess, they probably originally planned to make the Prismatic class but decided to take a step back from that to get input from the players after Evokers weren’t quite as well received as the devs expected.

Prismatic seems to be the most fleshed-out idea and also the idea that is probably the least likely to be of interest to most players.

I tell you what OP.

Let’s see if Blizz can balance what we have eh?

Then you can have more classes.

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Honestly, I’m torn.

I want another class that uses bows/guns/crossbows, but we NEED another support class.

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Classes are the best balanced they’ve ever been? Any perceived imbalances are largely due to the community’s issues with meta-chasing.

Most of the people whining about balance just base their opinions on wowhead’s weekly overall raid damage posts. Wowhead is basically trolling by posting those weekly.


How anyone can even consider outlaw rogue a gunner is beyond me… The class is still entirely melee and a rogue that also plays with stealth… In what way does that fulfill a gunner fantasy? You don’t even equip guns and use SWORDS!

We need a ranged class that uses ranged weapons because that is entirely hunter right now. And if they can nail fun gameplay like being described here with a gunner, sign me up.

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This is enough to make me wish it were real. Though I wish I were participating so I can point to this over and over. Funnily, the construct part makes me think of Spellblade Alluriel, who has inspired a couple of class ideas over the years.

If this is in fact from Blizzard and Blizzard didn’t want you to share it, thank you for sharing it. I know Blizzard wants to manage expectations, but it feels so nice to see where some of the developer’s minds are at when exploring new things.

What follows are some of my thoughts on things:


Optics - Healer - naming alternative to “Prismatic”
Tinkers who specialize in the electromagnetic spectrum, bending visible light and other frequencies into forms which heal and protect their allies. Savant Tinkers are even able to manipulate cosmic powers which radiate throughout the universe.

Note: The concept of “prismatic” already exists within the WoW universe in relation to Dragonkind and the combination of draconic powers. Differentiating from that is valuable when delineating class fantasy.

Cymatics - Support (DPS) - better naming alternative to “Bard”
Tinkers who focus on harnessing the power and flexibility of sound to alter the resonant frequency of their surroundings, empowering their allies and weakening their enemies. The most talented tinkerers are even able to tap into the very Song of Azeroth, leveraging her strength as their own.

Note: See for an example of cymatics. This naming convention offers a “WoW unique twist” on a classic D&D RPG class while aligning with its technological themes.

Ballistics - Ranged DPS - better naming alternative to “Gunner”
Tinkers who obsess over the power and simplicity of destructive and kinetic force dedicate themselves to the development of overwhelming offensive weaponry, often applying elemental forces in a way that can only be accomplished through the power of science.

Note: While the concept of a dual-wielding “Gunner” is cool, the term “Ballistics” is much broader, scientifically grounded, and more on-theme for the Tinker’s class fantasy. Dual-wielding pistols would be great, but can I also have the option to fire off an oversized gatling gun/flame thrower too?


While “Alchemist” is a fun D&D concept based around consumables and item creation, I cannot fathom a way in which the existing WoW Alchemy profession would not suffer or cause this class fantasy to suffer in some way. Would any Apothecary legitimately be able to NOT spec into Alchemy as a primary profession?


Sounds like a weird mix between a “time mage” class fantasy and the existing Balance Druid class fantasy. All of the “gravity” related stuff can already be melded into the existing Arcane Mage, or as a future Hero talent tree for mages.


A classic “D&D”-esk bard is a fan favorite for many RPG players, but the “Cymatics” twist I mentioned above for the Tinker class would help it feel unique to WoW’s setting.


Because of how well WoW’s built up the aforementioned lore (Drustvar, Decay Gnolls, Witch Doctors, etc), it’s possible to carve out a niche specifically for this sort of class fantasy… though it’ll undoubtably come at a cost to some of the existing Shaman toolkit (similar to what Demon Hunters did to Warlocks in taking away their demon form) since much of the Shaman toolkit leverages Witch Doctors from Warcraft III.

Celestial Lancer

This is a WoW-esk way to say “Dragoon” or something similar, right? I’m not sure how easy it would be to make it feel unique from Retribution Paladins, Survival Hunters, and Warriors (since it kind of just sounds like a mix of all of them). Is this a proposal for a 4th Warrior spec?


Sounds like it’d play similar to an Enhancement Shaman, but summoning minion constructs instead of totems. Not sure if it’s “unique enough”. Making it a 4th mage spec would make it “unique” within the existing class fantasy though.


Probably a better-sounding name alternate for “Tinker”. I’d go with this over “Tinker”, and I wouldn’t mind offering “Tinkers” a melee/tank spec.


Sounds like a Hero class option for mages, though I don’t know how well it separates itself from the generic concept of “Arcane”.


(See my earlier comments for “Tinker”)


(See my earlier comments for “Tinker”)


(See my earlier comments for “Tinker”)


Sounds like Arms Warrior 2.0? I could see it being a Hero class (I image each spec would have access to a Hero class unique to just itself in the future).


Diablo 2 “immortalized” the popularity of this class fantasy in the minds of Blizzard fans all over the world. Even if the class were effectively a carbon-copy mix of Demonology Warlocks and Unholy Death Knights, loads of players would still want to play it. The existence of the Shadowlands (and Maldraxus in particular) kind of cheapen this class fantasy (I hate you Jailor) within the WoW universe, but players would still play it.


(I commented on this above)


Suitable tank spec for Rogues more-so than Hunters, though it could work as a tank spec for either. I would LOVE Rogues and/or Hunters to get this.


Warriors already have some inspiration from this Warcraft III unit in their toolkit. It’d be a pretty cool 4th warrior spec, though Death Knights are already pretty heavily themed around “anti-magic”. Class fantasy can still make it unique.

Lastly, we would like to know which class concept would be most interesting for you, if you could play it in WoW.

Warden (as a Rogue tank). As much as I love exploring the idea of switching mains every time a new class comes out…

Otherwise, Artificer (a better-named “Tinker”) would be my go-to if done really well.

Well they seem to have a good idea to setup bards based on the survey. Since we establish the song of azeroth/ radiant song or whatever and we’re just learning more about it.

So their twist for bard could easily just be using azeroth’s power(azerite?) as the radiant song.

The only new class in that list that is even remotely lore accurate is necromancer.

True or not, i think its time for Blizz to add Necromancer to WoW. It could be one of the most versatile classes around. Tank, DPS or Heals.
Tank Necromancers could encase themselves in bone, viscera and flesh. Blizz could just use a modified Stitches model for this. Basically the Necro would just “Hulk out” when it is "Tankin’ time " :smile:
DPS Necromancers would obviously just be a version of Beast Master Hunter, or Demonology Warlock.
Healer Necromancers could just use “Blood magic” to heal. Using mana or use the bodies of their slain enemies for more powerful healing spells.
Im a big fan of the class. It needs to be in WoW, not just Diablo.

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I agree with your entire post, but I wanted to say that I’d be ok with this order. Tinker and Necromancer would have to come before other classes… I’d make a Forsaken Necromancer day one! :smiley:

The rest do sound interesting but we would need more information. If Blizzard could write up some sort of concept so that we can get an idea of what direction they want to go in, that’d be super great.

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I want a proper necromancer so bad not that trash UH DK we have now. As for tinker I don’t want it at all unless they use mech suits for combat like in BFA when the gnome king and goblin King used mech suits for combat.


Just toss a bard and I’m golden