Having mained havoc DH only, since the first day of early release Legion, I must say that I’m looking back over the years with disappointment in the barber options, as they haven’t been updated since.
Is it not enough that you limit DH to a single race on either faction? I can be night elf on alliance or blood elf on horde. That’s it. Even though it makes sense in the lore that the draenei and other elf factions can qualify to run DHs as well. The blood elf racial sucks, and even though I prefer playing on the horde side, my alliance DHs will always be superior because Shadowmeld doubles as an aggro-dump and being able to stealth from enemies. In PvP, this is a HUGE advantage over Arcane Torrent.
Now, let’s talk about the mog options. Leather mogs are always the best mogs, and being able to use glaives is one of the best parts of playing a DH. Would it be too much of me to ask for the ability to use off-hand mogs. I collect so many cute ones like the basket of flowers or the really cool hand-held lamp. It kinda blows in trial of style when I have an offhand that would work perfectly, but can’t even use it there.
I know, I know… DHs have glyphs, bleh bleh. MEH! We have very few glyphs. The options are certainly limited by only having 1 other option for immulation aura, and only like 4 wing options that only match very specific mog schemes.
When DHs first came out, I thought the morph form was awesome. Here we are, 10 years and 1 remix later, and the form hasn’t been changed in any way. There aren’t any glyphs to make it look different, there aren’t barber options to change the color. Nothing. Yall done left us high and dry on our outdated morph form. At the very least, give us a glyph of the other morph form (the one that spawns after the last boss in mythic raids).
Our morph form should be 100% customizable in the same way Druids, Worgan, and Dragonkin can. We should have various hair, face, and body options. Give us more tattoo options and way more color options.
I have no interest in playing any other classes or specs. That’s why I have 8 DHs (probably more but I don’t play them regularly). It would be nice to have the same fun in trial of style that I see my friends having, and yes, leather mogs are the best. I genuinely don’t feel like I’m being unreasonable or asking for too much here. Squeaky wheel gets the oil, ya? How about mog and barber options?
Does the squeaky wheel also get additional mog and barber options?