This is in the Blizzard store, do you dare to buy or do you think it is not worth it?
I’m not spending irl dollars on transmog items anymore.
maybe if they go on sale, but I’ve decided that $25 is too steep.
Yes. Done.
Nah, not cute or pretty enough.
Maybe eventually for tenders.
I have a confession to make. I bought it as well. But I had a few reasons that made it make sense to purchase:
- I could afford it.
- As a mage main, it’s basically a necessity.
- To go with the obviously mage themed staff from the TP.
- The 500 tenders essentially means that I’m also getting at least a pet/high detail mog as a bonus from the TP. Possibly enough to get a mount that I otherwise could not have gotten with my measely amount of tender in a later month.
- Its a full set, unlike the stupid partial class sets currently on offer on the TP.
Don’t get me wrong. It was still overpriced for what it was. Should have been at least $10 cheaper.
It makes even less since when they tell us that they’ll eventually give the sets to us for free.
In the past I’d buy stuff randomly because I liked it, but now it would have to be out of this world amazing for me to buy it…and they havent released anything like that in a long time
No judgment for folks that do. I find $25 way too high for a pretty basic looking transmog. I’m also not particularly impressed with the trading post items and am sitting on a chunk of tokens with nothing appealing to purchase (I did get the pally weapon set this month), so the extra tokens don’t matter much to me. I’m really glad both are available for people that do like them, though!
It’s too steep of a price, it’s only fit for one class.
If I like the style I only buy if it’s $10 and I can use it universally on all my characters using a method of madness mog style that I have in mind, and it’s very well done with some animations.
If I can’t do something crazy with a mog than I don’t buy it in other words.
There are many things on the AH I still don’t have in my collection that cost far less gold.
It’s too much for a mog that really only fits one class, even with the bonus tenders.
How much was dragon flight when you bought it? A whole expansion. This one transmog is half that price. One single outfit. Let that sink in.
No dice.
Not even for balance converted with gold. Money and or store credit just isn’t worth it.
Have it. it’s fun confusing people wearing it on a plate.
I will not.
Needs a 50% sale first.
How about this…Dragon Flight is currently on sale for less than that mog, lol. The mog now costs $.01 more than a whole expansion.
I’d do it for $5 just to have it, but my mage characters don’t go for the traditional purple scheme generally.
Do it in red and gold and make the robe a little more appealing without needing to rely on the fancy huge shoulders and my Sin’dorei mage would be ALL over it.
Not for me. But if you like it and it’s worth it for you
Most cosmetic appearances are designed with a certain class in mind. Other classes would look weird using that.
That makes it even worse to be honest. I was trying to be reasonable and use the full price of dragon flight lol. That current price just makes it feel like the mog purchase is a massive price gouge.