Can you please stop nerfing my class? Thanks.
Frost will get nerfed in PvP soon too. But I bet none saw the AI nerf comming.
Mages and DHs need to band together and refuse to buff anyone at all until Blizzard reverts the nerf!
what about warlocks and Spriests ? they are literal gods in pvp rn
I mean… didn’t we only get nerfed cause of Aug? I wish they would at least give us the reason… because if its because of Aug comp… that’s just messed up… We r suffering on the off chance that we are actually playing with one? Gimme a damn break and balance Aug without ruining my fun lmao… I mean isn’t it time for casters too shine anyway? Im so sick of these melee 3 button pushers topping the charts.
Did we? I know everyone keeps saying that but what’s the actual evidence for it? Blizzard can’t go around nerfing every aspect of the game because Augmentation Evokers just… exist. Not every group has one after all and not everyone who plays solo plays an Augmentation Evoker. They can’t balance the entire game around it, it’s ridiculous.
Honestly dude… it wouldn’t surprise me if they were… In order to balance the game around their new hero class baby they need to nerf everyone else lmao… Thats blizzard for ya
Well if that really is the case then they need to do some serious soul searching because that’s just not right.
Lock are gods, but I’m not sur they are on par with frost. Spriest are not even S tier. especialy for the average player. Very few players per realm can make shadow feel like they are being overpowered. Too easy to train.