Blizzard, Stop Treating Hardcore Like an Arcade Version of WoW

Blizzard, you’re constantly neglecting and treating the hardcore version of the game like it’s a lesser form of the game. Hardcore is some of the most fun that I’ve had on WoW in over a decade. It’s extremely goal oriented and rewarding. Just the fact alone, that not everyone has or will achieve some of the goals that I have in the game make it so much more interesting. Yes, it can also be extremely frustration as well. It’s definitely not for everyone. I will NEVER go back to era or even regular wow. I haven’t touched retail in over decade and will never give Blizzard a penny for another expansion involving that game.

However, Hardcore has an extremely strong, dedicated playerbase with a huge community. For you to constantly neglect hardcore servers is just silly in terms of content progression. We get it, and we’ve known for a while, but dang Blizzard… You’re so OUT of touch with your playerbase. You being out of touch has literally shown in every single one of your games. From Diablo series to Overwatch. You’re literally being outperformed in the categories fun, and knowing your playerbase.

For you to say TBC is not in the spirit of hardcore is whack. It’s like you guys feel like you created the spirit of hardcore. News flash, hardcore was created by the PLAYERS. So who are you to tell us what the spirit of it is?

You guys are literally making millions alone from subs of people playing on hardcore. Invest some of that millions into hardcoreifying TBC.

This is the problem with you today Blizzard. You think you know what we want, but you don’t have the 2004-2008 Blizzard dev team that actually had a good, solid, fun concept, and absolutely loved the game they created.

So please, do not give us another way of saying, “You think you do, but you actually don’t” because you clearly think we don’t, but we actually do. This is honestly why if you ever choose to do a classic+, it needs to be player driven. Things would get so out of hands just like SoD if we get your current devs team vision of classic+. Classic+ would probably be the only way I would invest money other than a sub into WoW again, and that’s only if it’s done correctly. SoD started off great, but y’all ruined that version by the end of phase 2.


Funny how Bliz goes from telling us “we think we want Classic but we really don’t” to then preaching to us about “the spirit of hardcore.” Like the only reason Bliz made HC is cuz the community the HC addon made was too big to ignore.

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Doing a brief runthrough of TBC in my head:

  • Fel Reavers would be meme status
  • Falling to death would probably continue to reign supreme as #1 death, classes like mage and paladin would excel
  • world bosses are a thing in vanilla but they were brutal at the beginning of TBC, especially kazaak
  • Heroic dungeons would be … something else.
  • Would petrification flask work at level 70? not sure if they do
  • iirc chess event kills you if you mess up, 1 person could easily insta-kill a 10 man raid
  • Isle dailies would be something else haha.
  • Pretty sure the best guilds in the world had MULTIPLE wipes on various bosses (Muru comes to mind) before killing.
  • Some bosses have extremely tight and savagely brutal unforgiving checks, you’re standing in fire for a nanosecond you’re instantly getting MC’ed, killed, etc. That would be cancer.
  • Questing for the most part would be okay, thinking about it.

How many times were you killed by one in TBC first time? Do you think it would be more now?

Yes and? You cannot save people from their own stupidity, falling, drowning and overconfidence are the great killers in Vanilla, and will be in any expansion.

And THIS is the reason I ask for TCB Hardcore, not the dungeons/raids.


I’d be surprised if many people made it to BT and Hyjal given that SSC and TK trash are the hardest things the game had seen. Not to mention actually killing KT and Vashj

So? Give us TBC.

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Feels like you’re trying to argue against my points as if I was trying to reject the idea of TBC hardcore. I was simply brainstorming things that would happen in TBC.

Don’t assume anything Everything anyone says is automatically adversarial.

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Haters used to say that Classic HC would be ridiculous too. Stop gate keeping us cuz ur scared. :joy:

Sorry, yes I read it like an against HC TBC agenda - the one with the Fel Reaver has been brought up by almost every single player against TBC.
Hmm, reading on it seems I’m not alone.

You might have expressed yourself in such a way that reading it as against TBC-HC was the logical conclusion.

But anyhow - let’s hope for an announcement of TBC HC in the new year. :beers:

Happy New year :firecracker: :fireworks:

These are all things that would probably need to be addressed with Blizzard putting some of the money they’ve earned from hardcore servers into hardcoreifying TBC. Not saying make it easy, just making it a tad more hardcore friendly.

All they need to do is make any 1shot ability put you at 1 hp, like the tanaris quest. Sure a dot tick could kill you, but it’s now possible in hc.

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one of the guys in my guild had a pretty great idea. tbc hardcore, but when you first go to tbc it ‘snapshots’ your character, and if you die instead of being completely deleted it resets you to that point. while it might seem to go against the spirit of hardcore, considering just how much time it would take to play through both expansions before starting end game content i think this is would be a reasonable compromise.

maybe include a debuff that tallies how many times you had to restart tbc. either way, i think most people would be ok with this after consderation

Im very libertarian in real life. I am all for letting people do to themselves whatever they want, no matter how destructive someone else thinks it might be, or even if I think people shouldn’t do it, I support your right TO do it.

No! we had this suggestoíon so many times before.
The journey 1-60 and the 1-70 in TBC are timevise about the same, with the TBC one even being a bit faster.