The great thing about raiding in those days was that Blizzard did not deliberately make the previous tiers obsolete. You didn’t HAVE to finish all the tiers to have a great time in BC (I certainly didn’t, we got halfway through Black Temple by the end and had a grand time doing it).
Blizzard just keeps shooting themselves in the foot by making so much of their content obsolete soon after they release it. It’s the game design equivalent of GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO.
I don’t think the BC/Vanilla model is the best for the game in the long term, but a definite upside is that it means that it extended the contents shelf life.
Though I’m not sure how you could continue the Wrath onwards model, where raids rely on the difficulty modifiers to be both accessible and challenging, without rendering older content obsolete.
Badges is probably the easiest (and laziest) answer.
Thats very cool your wife loves wow i can’t get my wife any where near it even if shes the one who got me wow in the first place im sure she regrets it now lol!
If you have a main, then, yea, it is easy to get a fresh 120 ready for NORMAL raiding. The catch up gear and patch opening catch up quests shoot toons up pretty fast.
Can’t speak to 8.3, hasn’t been out long enough, but it was pretty easy with Nazjatar and WQs.
Which was largely trivial in both cases. Which is my point.
Actually getting the gear isn’t an issue in BFA. It’s the fact that the other half of your power is locked behind bullcrap like Essences and AP, whereas in Wrath, all you needed was the gear to get started.
If all I needed to get ready for Ny’alotha or M+ S4 on my alts was 430-440ilvl, my alts wouldn’t be nearly as dusty as they currently are.
Getting ready for content shouldn’t be more challenging than the content itself.
You’ll have 3 essences without even trying, some at rank 2 even, but of course that typically isn’t good enough (lol normal). It has to be BiS essences and if raidbots calls for a different one that requires a different path then it’s up in arms.
Sims also tell me I need to grind rank 10 thru 14 in classic for BiS but F that.
My opinion has always been though in a MMORPG there should be some benefit for sinking time into a main. Skill is more important of course, but spending time building up your character and doing content should make your character stronger than someone else who puts 10 min into their alt. This normally encourages fotm rerolling because the time to be ready is so fast.
We also tend to ignore all the benefits having alts brings to your main in terms of gold farming, professions (not as much in BfA but in years past), farming xmog, mounts, titles, limited currency, etc.
Benthic as a recent example (as terrible as it was for those bonuses to work in the raid) where having alts provided a real power gain on your main by using their mana pearls (limited currency) to funnel gear to a main for BiS. Someone with only one 120 was at a decent disadvantage.
Anyway it is what it is and people are free to be upset and quit, play anyway, enjoy the game, post on the forums, or anything else.
Not really. The core of the argument isn’t about whether using suboptimal essences is fine or not, it’s about character power being locked behind trivial content.
It’s not about whether using Crucible of Flames, Worldvein and the M+ essence is completely terrible (it’s not), it’s that the complication and tediousness that systems like AP and Essences bring to multiple characters. How the hoops you have to jump through just to have your character ready for any serious content just get more and more annoying each expansion.
Not to mention the impact that “rental power” systems like Essences, Oprah Legendaries and AP have on the game as a whole.
There should be. And there is. Even without AP or Essences, there’s no way my alts would be anywhere near my mains level of power, simply because I cannot dedicate the time, nor am I skilled enough with my alts, to play the content at the same level that I can on my Warlock.
Realistically very few people in this game have the time, and skill, to reach the pinnacle of gameplay on multiple characters. And those that do? Good on em. Designing the game around putting a billion hoops between those players and the content they have the skill for is stupid however.
Except with the sole exception of Benthic*, alts are largely irrelevant in terms of character power. Gold is nice, professions are alright, and farming xmog, mounts and titles are largely redundant since most content is completely trivial to solo.
I don’t hate grinds. You can easily see my achievements as well as my pet, toys and mounts in that I have the patience to grind them. But I believe that they should largely be limited to cosmetic things.
Blizzard wants to make me farm 10k Timelost badges for a cool mount? Or spam dailies for a chance at a mount/xmog/pet/whatever. Sounds great. I’ll happily work towards that. But if they make me grind that same content on every single character simply to unlock my characters baseline power, then I’m going to have an issue with it.
*(Which I agree with you, was a terrible system, both because it put even more character power behind trivial content and because it incentized bad gameplay in grinding pearls on your alts to feed your main)