Blizzard still favors Alliance in AV

/shrug then you are simply wrong, where is you win loss ratio from say 2.0 showing 80% alliance win rates?

Confession: Yes, this rank 10 PvP character was an Alliance priest during Vanilla before faction changing all my characters to Horde sometime after BC. The reason being the writing was on the wall. As time progressed it became evident on my realm, Greymane, that the Horde were just better PVP players even though the Alliance dominated the PVE raiding charts, and still do.

So my advice is pick your realm carefully. Maybe join a PVP guild. I’m going back to Alliance in Classic because that’s what I was in Vanilla.

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I am making a Human Mage, and I can promise you I will spam Blizzard on the bridge so you can [Insert Mr Freeze One Liner Here]

Have a nice day n_n/

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I liked 1.5 AV. We’re not getting 1.5 AV no matter who complains about it. So this entire thread is kind of pointless. We’re getting 1.12 everything
 Not my first choice, but not my call. Blizzard has spoken.

My biggest complaint about 1.12 AV was the fact that as Horde, if you got anywhere near an Alliance tower, you were fired upon endlessly by NPC’s.
HOWEVER, Alliance could ride virtually untouched into the Horde base, and the NPC’s wouldn’t fire on them. Not sure if it was a range issue, pathing issue, or what. But I witnessed this with my own eyes over and over and over.

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LOL I assure alliance did not ride into the horde keep without towers firing on them. Sounds like dirty horde propaganda.


We are getting 1.12 AV. What is the point of this thread?

People want changes, so much for #nochange

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I think the point is to long winded cry about AV?

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A good game designer will design systems, mechanics and environments which help promote and facilitate specific actions from the player.

Take DOOM and Borderlands, both are shooters but have wildly different core gameplay loops and more specifically - motivations for the player. Because of this the player will approach each game in a different manner.

So for WoW PvP - the world PvP and BG PvP have different motivations. Even each BG has its own motivations which causes players to approach each battleground and engage with the enemy differently in the same way DOOM and Borderlands are approached differently.

It’s my opinion that AV is easily the poorest show of any Battleground in WoW because the core motivation facilitates the current standard of play.

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 blizz favors horde overall in pvp tho, thinking of the racial and stuff.

Let alliance have something aswell.

It’s pretty easy to break the Ally Zerg. Stop them at Galv, steal Snowfall, and they’ll all res in the tunnel. Then they’ll all start bickering and quitting. Horde can march to victory with a minimal bridge turtle, which is easy enough to crack.

There’s your path to victory. Stop crying and get to fighting.

Nah let em have Snowfail GY, wipe them on galv and stone wall them at the Iceblood GY death zone, send stealthies north to take all the other GYs and burn towers, once the towers burn you can continue to eat them as they straggle into the Ice blood death zone or charge north and down Vander.

Alliance is 100% favored if both teams want to turn AV into a PVE raid. IF you want to PVP horde should NEVER lose, over and over I read these people who were on bad horde servers or battlegroups with alliance wining 70-80% On my Battlegroup Horde won AV so much alliance never qued it, the que to get one was often 5 or more hours long until they did away with battlegroups.

Just sucks that so many people want HPR not PVP.

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As it should be. All that really needs to be said.

Also, yay for 1.12 AV. Faster rep, faster marks, less time I have to spend grinding for the mount.

just bumping this thread cause i got a good laugh with how av is in classic

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This thread is like vintage milk


Bumping again to give perspective how its a L2P issue on the alliance side.

Metas change. Adapt. Same map it’s always been.

Almost everyone here is saying its ally favored if you both zerg, but otherwise horde favored. I think you can’t read.

It’s true, there was a time when the horde ignored their tremendous choke point advantage and tried to engage the alliance in a PvE race. It didn’t work out well. For what it’s worth, I was on the horde side back then and remember horde not even trying to win. We just went for the honor and the fast loss.

Nice necro.

This thread hasn’t aged well at all. I’d be embarrassed if I was the OP.