Blizzard should buy the rights to Wildstar

I did like Wildstar, but I think it would be better if Blizz just made “World of Starcraft”.


The cost to get it all up and running isn’t worth it. There is no demand like there was for Vanilla WoW. There isn’t a large push to get Wildstar back. It’s a failed game. They would have to rework it massively to grant it the appeal to a large audience, but it needs a solid base to begin with. It isn’t there.

Let it go.

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i agree with the OP’s sentiment, but… i don’t think blizzard would be the best choice to bring-back wildstar.

i mean, i loved wildstar, and wish i had played it more, but… blizzard’s having issues keeping WoW going right now (though, i’m 90% certain that’s cause they’re focusing more on overwatch and diablo 4), and a second mmorpg on their plate… can’t see that going well for’em.

…i will say though, i often think about wildstar, and how it felt like (to me) world of warcraft fully-realized gameplay-wise… also about what it would be like if it came back… or if it was merged with WoW into one big mmo (yes, it would be dumb, but it’d be pretty-cool too).

From old Blizz devs, for sure! From Blizzard now? No thanks.

Blizzard have two WoW teams they could fix WoW if they wanted but that would mean taking a team off the next expansion, Bobby and Co wont be happy with that.

Vicarious games devs (I think thats the name) are moving over to Overwatch and WoW iirc.

Cant see Blizzard making another MMO again, while i would love to see them try i just dont have faith in the devs or upper management who obviously have way to much say in creative spaces to make something that is made first and foremost for players. Thats why you got ti give a thumbs up to FF , they have cash shop sure but they know their audience better than Blizzard do.

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He got rid of Destiny a couple of years ago. Looks like it was a decent decision. Destiny is solid but not on anyone’s Top 5 must-play MMO list. Why would he acquire an already failed one?

exactly. my point exactly, though i could’nt find the words to say that.

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Wouldn’t it be interesting if Dreamhaven acquired the rights to Wildstar? They don’t appear to operate under the same paradigm or constraints as publicly traded companies do.


Man I miss wild star. Honestly the best mmo that died. I personally think the biggest issue with the game was it was terribly optimized and they never fixed it. Wow graphics with terrible performance I’m sure drove away a lot of people. The game design itself was amazing though. Every dungeon was a blast and challenging, also the most fun healing experience in any mmo.

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I wouldnt play another bliz mmo, ive seen what their management can do. If wildstar came out today it would have made a killing instead of flopping.

that… does’nt sound half-bad to me. :+1:

draw from where? there isn’t a lot of demand for that type of play

Watching a company tank itself with poor financial decisions isn’t particularly interesting.

They can’t even bring their own game back from the dead

Except for the fact that modern Blizzard has been working hard to turn modern retail WoW into Wildstar, taking unwanted elements from “Classic” and pushing the HARRRRRDCORE thing more than they ever have before.

If current Blizzard got their hands on Wildstar, they’d just nerf the remaining casual fun bits and “hardcore” it into e-peen oblivion once more.

Wildstar WAS from old Blizz devs. Who couldn’t understand why the old-school way of doing things didn’t appeal to the masses any longer.

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But the kids love us. :frowning:

Have you played Sea of Thieves? Sailing in that is pretty fun, especially with a few friends.

I wouldn’t mind that at all. It was fun, just alter the focus from the hardcore raids to smaller ones. God it reminds how much time I spent running dungeons and other stuff just to decorate my house. It was a really fun game, just mired by bad timing and a too early release.

This explains it

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I enjoyed what little I played of it but I like questing so any mmo usually does it for me at the start. I suspect it died for a reason though. Maybe there are some pirate private servers of it running somewhere.