This is almost everyone in my raid having issues. Many of us are on very modern hardware. I have an RTX3070, and Ryzen 7600x, a modern Sabrent NVME SSD. No janky off brand hardware. I have had a rock solid GPU overclock, and ryzen master does its own thing and I’ve had very stable performance in New AAA titles.
But the dang room with silken court is broken. Even without pulling the boss FPS is not stable, my GPU fan has to ramp up and down constantly. And this after pulling the side panel and filter screens off my case. Then once you do pull the boss, the phase where the caster goes to middle and shoots webs everywhere, tanks performance. For me its down low teens. For some others in my raid its single digit fps numbers.
This makes it very hard to live the mechanic.
For whatever reason, the donuts and all the other graphically impressive mechanics dont do it, just the webs (pie slices)