Blizzard screwed everything up

i just srated playing my frostmage yesterday. having the time of my life.

this spec is cracked, so much i can do with it. i love watching a dumb warrior charge charge leap to me and its like… hey thats not all buddy eat this sheep eat this frostnova. oh yeah dragons breath and blastwave lmfao

Maybe in 3s its better because you have more targets to ramp up on from people not being able to cc things. In 2s, there is only 1 target to ramp up on, as fractured frost does not break CC, and the only comp frostbolt spec works with is a player who does not cleave. Which is practically non existent at the moment.

Just re-read the edit I made to the post above. It only took 5 frostbolts for ramp up in DF, and now it takes 15. The intellect scaling went out the window too. Which I’ve already commented on multiple times, but people fail to read it or even comprehend how bad frostbolt spec is for rival/duelist level 2s at the moment. You can not even get duelist with it at the moment in 2s lol. There are 2 mages above 2k in 2s, and they are playing the Ice Lance version. In order to get duelist with it, you have to play with another current duelist or glad. It was not like this, I could play with anyone before and hit top 5 on ladder. I hate having to re-iterate my points over and over and over and over and over and over because people refuse to read or believe me.

We need 2v2 tuning for Frostbolt build, which we will never get. It needs to be doing 10% more of someone’s HP than it it is currently doing. In 2s only, as at higher ratings, you will not ramp 15 frostbolts like ever lol.

oh sh*t new word just dropped

I just had to resub to reply. I am not standing for this nonsense they are spewing. They are the only ones spewing non sense here. This is a gaming form. Not made for brevity or cogency unless you are a paid actor.

i didnt even read the thread tbh

Here is a long form video if you rather, its just me rambling.

Tldr; Frostbolt spellslinger build needs a buff in non cleaving 2s comps only, at higher ratings. Such as non convoke rdruid+frost mage, which is one of the few comps you can play now and not worry about cleaving. Every other comp is cleaving, breaking CC, and instant casting overpowers all frostbolt hard casting, everytime.

This statement just increased my sense of selfworth tremedously, thank you.
I feel right around $14.99 (+tax where applicable) more valuable now.

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It was not for you, it was for me.

So did you do the 1, 3, 6, or 12mo sub to reply to me? Tell me u got a mount or something?

I bought 20 1 year passes on g2a and added them to my account.

lmao. Since I’ve practically been playing this game for 20 years already anyways lol.

Though yea, they have too many different game modes to keep 2s balanced now lol. Especially with talents like Death’s Chill lol. Which is balanced assuming you have 3-4 targets to hit at a time, which just does not happen in 2s lol

and in the video I meant rewarding not awarding. I have a little bit of downs from trauma lmao. God the Biden/Trump/standard politician speaking problems, with my brain fried and lack of education lmao. Pretty sure I am MK Ultra or have DEWs being my forehead lol. Full on brainrot TikTok head since 3 years old lol.

I was just gonna say, “this has gotta be him, right?”


Iunno what g2a is but if their 1yr passes are similar to pricing that’s like $3,100 just to reply. I appreciate how much you value our relationship, and I’d like to offer you the entirety of my balance (which is more definitely more than $0.00) to help offset your expenses.

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Lol yes. Daddy. Papa.


I forgot to mention, the 2s ladder is slight inflated for frost mage for about 20-50 games per mage. Ice Lance was pumping for the first week, and very powerful, before they nerfed it to the ground, back to DF levels or less lol. Regardless, I did not play it. Was upset Frostbolt spec was not viable. When I came back after the 15% FFB bff and other buffs to try it, it was still not super viable in 2s. Maybe if you have a Glad experienced partner you can get to top 5 spots on current ladder in 2s, but it would be hard because anytime you faced another frost mage who is playing FFB, or DK, or Hunter, etc, they are going to hard counter you lol.

I also have just been playing with LFG randoms and have 0 friends to queue with, so there is that lol.

They are very similar lmao. I bought them all up. So good lucky finding any. They are usually about $89 for a year lol.

Switching computers on the forums is so aids here lol. Sometimes if you reply, it will snag a pervious post, and add it to the top of your post, even though it is not on the current draft/composition LOL. It does not show up in the edit window until you post it. Lmfao. What the heck?