Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

In other words. No link. . No data. Just your gut.

And there is no point discussing this.

Lets move on shall we

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Lol come on guys. We already know how this works. It isn’t magic. It’s not perfect either, but stop acting like you didn’t read a single thing Blizzard has said about layering.

They may not even use it.

Man I like Layer…cakes :kissing_heart:

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I could see it getting back into the 10 million player range. I don’t find it particularly likely, but its certainly possible.

I don’t see it happening “in a straight line” however, at least not with Launch as its start point.

:wink: to them there is no hard data,if it goes against their beliefs it’s ‘‘fake news’’


10? unlikely in today’s market 7-8m would be astounding.

And what data do you have to support the idea that the NA market is going to sustain 1 Million+ active subscriptions 2 months into Classic having been released?

There is data to suggest that 70% of players, at a minimum, will quit before reaching level 10. So in order to reach even 1 Million players sustained, you’re going to need nearly 4 Million players to sign in during the first month. And you’re going to need somewhere for those 3 million “extra” players to go to…


If classic has 500k after a year very I’d be pleasantly surprised.


I don’t. But I am also not making sweeping statements with data that does not exist for the current time.

We don’t know what’s going to happen.
We don’t have eyes on the data that Blizz has.
Even that I speculative and a gamble for them.

The point is Kat. Data is only as good as the source and in today’s fast-moving world data get old real quick.

That’s all. You can use that data as a guide… or as something in the back of your head. But you can’t use it as solid proof that a fall off like that will happen.

It could be much worst!

And did I say it would support huge numbers anywhere? I don’t remember saying that. Oh well
See. . its not about how big or how small… its about data.
And people misusing data.

I need more coffee

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‘‘fake news’’

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But it also horribly breaks things when I find out my friend Jimmy rolled on the same server, but discover he selected another layer than the one I’m on. Congratulations, you just ruined my ability to have fun playing with my friend in game that is all about community. Or so people keep claiming.

Why are people so bent on the idea of people being able to play with each other and having the chance to be social? Oh noes the game economy might be harmed!

THIS!! Very much this!!

I have been saying this all day!! People will get ticked if they cant. And thats supposed to be one of the things this will help with.

See… same side of the topic :slight_smile:

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Some of the new people probably do, they think the new way and new ideas is the path. So they shun old games and systems.

Blizzard doesn’t know what a successful game is anymore. It’s been many years. So this is probably new info to the current staff.

And if you’re the “junior realm” in the merger, you lose your guild tag, and possibly even your character name. Great fun to be had there.

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Still sticking with 3-6 million Subs for launch
End of year 10 million Subs
Mid to late 2020 15 million Subs

This is history in the making.

Hope blizzard has extra servers ready.

Parfaits. Have you ever met a person, you say, “Let’s get some parfait,” they say, “No, I don’t like no parfait”?

Micky. ahh man… I dont… I am sorry :frowning:

Even the pserver crowd didn’t think what is now classic WoW would be a hit. Just go back and read the old threads in GD about not wanting to pay a penny to play a remastered vanilla. Who wants to pay money to play a fail game, right?

Normally around 75%-80% is the first month of a new MMO’s falloff. Kinda like the falloff in a new store. I don’t think were going to see that big of a falloff in classic. A lot of the MMO falloff is from people trying it and realizing it’s not for them. In classic more people already know it’s not for them so won’t even try and those that do try know what they are in for both of these cut down on that falloff number.

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