Blizzard said they would "prefer that healers spend their time healing" during an interview with Morgan Day

No way this thread got resurrected.

Potions of shocking disclosure, try it.

You can enable mouseover in the baseline ui. Dont even have to target enemies with tab targeting to dps.

Makes it easier to aim certain spells too like evokers aoe bloom.

They dont need to dps anyway, bc they do 200 DPS.

Its good that they want healers to do their intended roles. Having healers do dmg constantly or runs fail means the dps aren’t doing their jobs
 Now that also means that they have to make more balancing changes for specs to do that dmg though which is lacking on many.

Yeah, but with the above method they don’t even need to mouseover enemies, they just keep mousing over the happy green health bars.

Its nice for switching between both since you can straight up mouseover health bar raid frames too and use the same keybinds for addon panels.

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What is the actual win condition for any fight?

When the boss hits zero HP. This means that everything the healer does that doesn’t keep the team alive is a waste of time. This counts for both over healing and time spent doing nothing.

If you don’t want to do anything but heal that’s fine, there’s no shortage of content where that’s acceptable. But most people would tell you that in serious content, “acceptable” isn’t a good mentality to have.

The fact that Prevokers can press Fire Breath and spam 1 key to do more DPS than me full on cat & moonweaving tilts me tbh

You mean bursting for 15k with moonfire, AS, Solar Flare, Convoke, swap into cat form, drop three bleeds, swap into moonkin to spam those spells isnt as easy as a prevoker pushing 1-2 buttons to do more?

I enjoy dpsing on my prevoker when I have time to. it’s fun!

I don’t care what they do I worry about my role in a dungeon.

You should, it’s a group activity.

Your role encompasses more than mashing your face onto healing buttons, no?