Blizzard said they would "prefer that healers spend their time healing" during an interview with Morgan Day

It is actually really easy. The class is dumb so you don’t play it. There I didn’t need to dps to heal. Works fine.

You do know pvp exists right?

20% of one DPS player’s damage. The healer in the Jade Temple log I was looking at was 6% of the total group damage but they were doing 14k DPS while the DPS players were doing around 65k DPS. 14k is roughly 20% of 65k. I’ll grant you that that was a PreEvoker, which is one of the highest damaging healers. If I look at the lowest damaging healer instead (Holy Priest as far as I can tell) what I see instead is closer to 10k DPS. So it’s definitely lower, but it’s nowhere near as small as what you’re thinking.

That’s because the community sucks now. All they care about is pushing high keys and pushing raids (admittedly DPS for healers doesn’t matter as much there).
People are not allowed to play how they want. Okay well, they can as long as it is a meta class, meta spec, or meta talent build. If you can help then achieve a fast instant gratification experience with loot. Of course, they will love you. These are TikTokers Blizzard are designing the game for now.
I can be proven right with how well carries and raid boss kills sell. Players don’t want to deal with this community anymore so they simply skip it.
It is a great solo game then without idiots.

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PuG DPS: “Say no more”

that’s weird because because out of 20 raiders i usually see top dps @ 9% and it goes down from there to tanks at about 2-3 % and then i see the heals @ .6- .4 %.

i mean average of all 20 raiders are 5% 5%x20 =100%. in your case how could healers do 5% damage by themselves?

I think, after playing a Tank, a DPS, and a Healer… Healer is the hardest role as you increase in key difficulty. It has the most things to juggle. Funnily, I think tanking is the most forgiving because you can recover from simple mistakes. DPS is in the middle. Not sure if this is what Blizzard intended, but it is what it is.

I’m talking about M+. Healers generally do less damage in raids due to the damage profile. Healers should still do damage when able to in raids because it’s better than nothing, but it won’t be as high as it is in dungeons. (I was basing all my numbers off of +20 dungeons.)

  1. I’m a tank
  2. I intentionally spec into a talent that will heal the party because I’m not some lame angry dude who screams “NoT MUh JeRB” instead of actively doing everything I can to help the group succeed.

no one, literally no one, thinks a healer should dps instead of dpsing. we’re simply saying it is better to dps when there is no healing needed, than to sit around like a useless lump.

if you aren’t dpsing, when no healing is needed, what are you doing?

i was talking about M+ also.
on your m+'s what does your top dps do? and what does your bottom do?

if you are doing nothing, i dont see any problem with dps’s. but a healer dps’ing is not really doing much. its like ur really not doing anything.

Depends on the key. For me personally, I’m usually doing somewhere in the neighborhood of 40k-50k over the course of the whole dungeon.

Keep in mind too that I was looking at +20s. Generally speaking as you go up in key levels, the people around you are more skilled and their numbers will be higher. I don’t expect to see numbers that high in a +2 since if they’re pumping like that they’re not going to be plateauing in a +2. The relative rate of 6% total group damage should hold though. In my last guild run my healer did 4% of the total group damage as a Mistweaver. So some amount of variance compared to the Evoker I was comparing to before but still a lot higher than the numbers you were throwing out.

EDIT: Here, a log from one of my guild runs. We didn’t do particularly well in this dungeon (we didn’t time) but it should help to put the numbers in perspective.


The average healer does like 20-30k DPS overall in a dungeon. Sometimes more depending on which dungeon, sometimes less. Also depends pretty heavily on how good your group is.

Not really a negligible number, but also not required. I’ve timed plenty of keys where the healer did like 6k dps and that was basically because their kit forced it. Not really sure where the magic key number is that healers need to do damage. Maybe 23 or 24? Idk

Then make it part of the PvP talents?

It’s not a question of ‘good.’ It’s a question of difficulty. On a long enough time line you will hit content where the healer needs to contribute DPS, because you defeat bosses by killing them, not healing.

Plus if you spent 5 minutes looking at average parses for high end content, yes, the healer contributes.

Everyone needs to contributes to the success of the party. That includes things like DPS using self-heals and defensives because it’s not technically the healer’s job to keep them alive, and tanks maximizing DPS because you don’t kill a boss by merely holding threat on them. And yes, that means the healer needs to contribute DPS. Some bosses it’s understandable you wont be doing this- many M+ bosses are balls-to-the-walls who simply don’t have downtime. But for every Fenryr who doesn’t really afford you any time to do anything but heal, there’s an Eranog, where you’d have to try pretty hard to both constantly heal and not drive over healing.

If your party is topped off and there’s no reason to pre-empt a boss mechanic like a tank buster, there’s no excuse for not contributing. If you just stand there, being called out for it doesn’t make me an elitist, it makes you lazy. Not saying that’s a good or a bad thing, but if your party wipes, especially over trivial amounts of HP on the targets, that’s on you.

I like it. Tired of the QQ of people saying, “healers should dps if they’re not healing at that very second.” IMO, nah. Healers can chill if they’d like, the group will pull through either way. Most of the time healers may seem like they’re not “doing anything” but on the healers screen they are probably waiting to see if X class is about to miss a mechanic again and lose half their health. Which happens 50/50 of the time, hah.

TLDR: Even if healers aren’t mashing buttons every GCD, they are actually doing stuff. Chill.

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Just gonna leave this here for ppl who might be interested in it.

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It means healers will always be expected to dps in their down time, but that they would prefer the majority of the dungeon to not be downtime.


you use the word contributing a lot. the heals are contributing just like the dps dps’es.

+10 ( i need to type more)