Blizzard said they would "prefer that healers spend their time healing" during an interview with Morgan Day

It is that simple. I’m not sure why GD keeps having this debate over and over again.


Sure, but you shouldn’t kick other healers out of your group or berate them since you are going against the design philosophy of WoW’s associate game director and just being toxic.


They say a lot of things. The reason that a “healers must dps crowd” even exists is as a distraction. Actively taking steps to make it mandatory for healers to do damage, not even remotely balancing healer damage across classes, and then claiming that’s not a thing is disingenuous at best.


So what is mistweaver monk meant to be or do lol?

It heals through doing damaging things.

If healers MUST DPS in order for the successful completion of an encounter then

  1. The encounter is poorly tuned
  2. The DPS performance is subpar

I would never kick anyone out of my group or berate them for not DPSing in their healing downtime…that’s toxic.

But I will remember that they don’t want to contribute to the group’s success and not invite them back in the future.


And that’s an example of being toxic because the healer was just playing their role as intended by WoW’s game director.


Personally I’m not a fan of unavoidable damage because then we’re too reliant on the healers and if you have a bad one there’s nothing you can do.


Not playing with people that do not want to contribute is not toxic. It’s the opposite of toxic because I am being polite about it.

It’s the same as not inviting DPS that refuse to interrupt.


You stated you would exclude healers because they were following WoW’s game directors’ ideology on the games healer role and not conforming to yours. That’s toxic.


Do you recruit players to your groups that you have seen in the past just standing around during encounters?

I was in a heroic dungeon where I was doing more damage than a balance druid. I had to check, because I kept seeing him standing around. And my gear was good, so it wasn’t unusual for me to do more damage than badly-geared players. But finally I checked and saw his ilvl was 278. So he was casting a spell once in a while and getting a free carry. He finally died at the last boss because he wouldn’t pop himself a heal or keep out of the crap on the ground.

Lazy, entitled people play all roles and classes.


Sure. Make sure you tell everybody how toxic they are being because “WoW’s Game Director” told you that you don’t have to DPS. That’ll definitely change their mind.


I would never exclude grouping with a player if they were playing their class how the games director intended them to play.


You’re being obtuse for the sake of just being obtuse. You are so adamant that healers shouldn’t be pushing any button other than a healing button that you’re just throwing all reason out the window. You think you’ve found some “gotcha - I win” button by throwing around this one tiny sentence you chopped out from an interview. Frankly, it isn’t working even though you’ve typed it in like 4 posts in a row. In the same interview, he talks about the damage healers bring being part of their entire package.

Stop being so one-dimensional.


well good news friend, you can make your groups however you want.

I will continue to exclude healers who sit around picking their nose during downtime.

my group, my rules, just like your groups are your rules.


Those healers were playing their role as intended, the right way deemed to be true by WoW’s game director. Your way or the highway is just a matter of your own opinion and trying to force other roles in game to conform to it or face “exile” is indeed toxic.

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yes sir, when it comes to the criteria I use to build my groups it is indeed my way or the highway.



Anyway, I don’t think we really have any way of knowing their long-term vision for gameplay.

I don’t think it’s toxic to expect good teammates in group activities. Team work makes the dream work.

Your reading comprehension should not be so bad that it’s a burden on others, though.

And you can’t really force people to invite you to their groups if you only want to play in your specific (and arguably bad) playstyle.

Just make good friends with likeminded individuals and do group content with THEM. This is a win/win for all and makes this conversation a non-issue.

You’re welcome, GD, for once again solving all your problems. :sunglasses: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: