Blizzard ruins their own game

Fitting the #foreveralone guy is on the #foreveralone app. This is what happens with social isolationism, you become intolerable of a diversity of ideas, and just chalk it up to some -ism or wrongthink. The core difference between the left and right is the left views the right as bad people with ideas, while the right views the left as people with bad ideas. There is a reason why it is much more ubiquitous for one side to demonize the opposition on a personal level.




this thread should be closed

but on topic: let the boosters boost. why does it matter if they get boosted and quit cuz theyre 60 and bored

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Not true.
The people who are boosting aren’t new players, nor are they old returning players coming back for nostalgia.

Boosters have an agenda to race to endgame asap and raid. They aren’t quitting lol.

I can’t tell if you’re being a troll or you just have room temp IQ.

None of the boosters going 10-12 hours per day are “players” of the game they’re RMT people.

Yea you have to be trolling, nobody is that stupid.


RMTers are being banned.

We have actual GMs in game now.

when everyone just buys gold to pay for the boosts. Strat is 30g per run right now and business is booming.

Groceries, electricity, rent, internet access, etc.

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Omg the fact you are a leftist no wonder you dont want people held accountable for their actions

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Ah human behavior is definitely interesting and predictable. Instead of learning from our mistakes we just ignore them. Especially when there’s money to be made.

Is it our own fault? Or is it the fault of our leaders?

Perhaps both is to blame. If only there was like a gaming Jesus that would rise from the ashes and provide us with the 10 commandments of Gamer God. Then we would be bound by this.

Here I’ll start:

  1. Thou shall put no other gamer GOD’s before me.
  2. You shall not spend real world money on games.
  3. .
  4. .

I hope you still feel this way after Trump:

  1. Inflates the deficit to new heights. He wants to completely remove the debt limit from the government. This means he wants to spend a lot of money.
  2. Causes inflation with Tariffs
  3. Doesn’t make grocery costs go down but actually raises them with tariffs
  4. Steals money from normal people via tariffs and taxes to give to rich people
  5. Destroys democracy
  6. Removes your rights
  7. Allows corporations to deregulate and make you sick, raise drug prices, and cause you to get in wrecks on the highway with non-functional self driving cars
  8. Kills medicare and medicade
  9. Kills social security
  10. Crashes the global economy.

Yes these are all things he is doing.

Have a great time :slight_smile:


Not those being boosted, those giving the boost - those are the ones that would quit, as they would not earn any money. Maybe a few at the receiving end would quit too, but very few.

But I agree with those saying that if everybody stopped buying G the problem was solved.

  1. You shall not need on your co-players gear.
  2. You shall not stand in the fire
  3. You shall not blame the Healer when you die.
  4. You skall not blame the Tank when you die

But you said my job will be replaced in 2 months with self driving semis, how can this be?

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Leveling is an important part of any RPG. If you disagree, RPGs aren’t for you.


Oh you mouthbreathing Classic so-and-sos with your ironic wall of no.

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It is not. General leveling is a concept that has been outdated since at least 2004. It is an abstract expression of generic progression which was necessary in a tabletop game, but which is not at all necessary in a video game. There are superior ways to provide anything leveling provides, and the creator of DnD would be positively baffled that we’re still clinging to it despite the technology we’re using.

It’s not necessary for an RPG (at all), and it is an inferior mechanic to provide progression in progression-focused games. Dispersing everything that generic leveling provides into more engaging, piecemeal activities, would be a far better experience. Instead of questing and killing mobs for generic experience (and which are, along with exploration, the things which arbitrarily provide that experience exclusively), we could be hunting down talents and stat points through a variety of processes. Instead of gear being locked behind levels it could be locked behind stat requirements, and then instead of providing the basic stats gear could provide more interesting and dynamic bonuses.

Central leveling is quite literally the worst-in-class system for its purpose. Straight up. It is all downsides and no upsides no matter the experience you’re trying to achieve, and like many things only remains due to inertia.

Leveling is a (bad) tool. It has nothing inherently to do with RPGs. It would be accurate to say that if you don’t like transmog you don’t actually enjoy RPGs, but disliking leveling just makes one not a moron.

The fact that BG3 was a MASSIVE success proves your entire post completely wrong. RPGs are absolutely not for you, and trying to please tourists like you is one of the reasons why retail devolved into such an irrecognizable mess.

That would just be a subjective change, not necessarily an improvement.
Either way, the important part here is that wow was already built with leveling at the core of its pre end game progression. In order to change that, you’d have to create a whole new game.

Leveling like we have in wow classic has been a (great) tool for many RPGs for years, and your subjective dislike for it doesn’t change that.
Btw, comparing transmog to leveling is pure brainrot. Imagine not understanding the difference between cosmetics and actual player power progression.


Unfortunately we cannot ask him. I played heaps of D&D back then - and yes WoW is quite similar, you can still “hear” the dice roll … this is what I love about WoW.

You’re using a lot of fancy words here, I read it three times now. I still do not understand what you would replace Questing and the killing of monsters with.

I do suspect that I would not want to play the end result.


Odd label to try and apply to someone who has been playing RPGs for 30 years, who clocked in around 3000 hours into the 2019 version of classic, and who has a living 53 druid in HC.

No it doesn’t, lol. Are you insinuating that BG3 was a massive success because it has levels?

Imagine not understanding the core of what RPGs are.

So leveling gives you health, mana, stat points, and, beginning from 10, talent points. I’d replace leveling with all of those things being gained through individual activities instead of from a generic, centralized system.

Instead of questing and grinding until you reach an experience threshold, you’d instead do specific quests or questlines to get some stat points, or a talent. You could find a Tome of Skill in a chest deep within a cave. Bosses could provide one or the other on first kill. Some could be drop chances from different types of mobs.

And you may say that this doesn’t sound like a wild departure, and you’d be correct. That was my point. Even if you want a pure progression-based experience, leveling is the laziest and worst system to provide it. As an experienced player, if you’re playing a rogue, the fact that you can stealth is often more of a novelty than anything else in PvE. Sure, I could sneak into this cave and assassinate the quest mob, but I’d just be pushing some of the necessary grinding I’d have to do to later. I’d just be less efficient. In this kind of system you could play a rogue that is fully embracing their fantasy of a sneaky assassin and be actively awarded for it. You could play a flighty mage that mostly attempts to control and confound wherever possible.

Instead of gear having required levels it would have required stat points, and you could choose how to configure your character with more precision. Want to be a gigantic meatwall of a tank? Great. Put your stats purely in strength and very little in agility so you can wear the heaviest armor at the expense of less powerful weapons. Instead of being arbitrarily blocked from interacting with X or Y mob due to a giant wall of hidden math, you’d be blocked only by your ability to have a character that has the sufficient tools to overcome the mob.

Fundamentally RPGs are about characters. You slip into the shoes of a ready-made character (ala Zelda) or you choose a fantasy you want to embody and you build towards that (like WoW). It made a lot of sense to have an abstract system to represent player power when the ability to represent it otherwise was a lot more limited, but we are not limited in that way anymore. We can literally be better or worse at piloting our characters. We can decentralize the systems that increase their baseline power. We have an entire virtual world to actually explore for real.

Leveling is the best part of the game.
Many players keep pursuing the golden carrot, which is invariably the next raid, only to start yawning at the third run of it, all the way to the last boss.
Leveling/Professions/PVP are the only things really juicy in this old game, but people keep rushing their way out of it, just to squeeze lemons and get bored and grumpy real quick.
Generally speaking, like in 2019, the majority of players that just came for leveling, in the end will have more fun than those pursuing the next raid carrot. And yes, this, like other forums, can be used as a fun meters.=