Blizzard responded

They deleted their post on purpose - I’m not sure why aside from the fact that it got a lot of attention and people were starting to get really aggressive and gatekeep-ey about it (including one dude who started popping off about it being ~illegal to impersonate a lawyer~ and implying that Blizzard was going to hunt the poster down and like, whack them) and I don’t want to basically just repost it out of respect for that.

But generally, it was just a breakdown of why some of the things that Blizzard said in their response was clearly aimed at the audience of the shareholders rather than the employees and subscribers, and that some of it could have maybe been a bad idea in that it could have potentially opened them up to further liability, and that some of it was self-contradictory. Overall, they said that it didn’t read like it was entirely drawn up by a lawyer.

Respectfully, I think you have it backwards. I think it was the old guard doing this crap, and the newer guard are the ones being smarter about it.

My goodness, these are people who are only there to work for the purpose of supporting their family, not being taken advantage of in a similar way that Victoria’s Secret exploit their own Models. :man_facepalming:

It’s the other way around. The old guard were simply nerds. Metzen as an example. Sure he was embarrassed to explain to his daughter why the aspects are wearing bikinis (yes that’s actually true). I don’t know why though. Nothing bad about it.
But they were not the slime B brought with him. Thy were more open minded and the current ones are doing the harassment and treating their workers like trash.

I would agree on the surface level in the sense that younger people are more liberal and open to left leaning ideas and gender neutrality, etc.

But then take a look at the content they consume and things they say online. Between twitch streamers they watch, the garbage they spout when gaming and how they act shows a dif story. The drawback to being more open to views is it skews the line in what they may view as appropriate behavior.

They called players misogynist and bragged about how woke they were, and it turns out it was them projecting the whole time. This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

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Empty words… Reads like Method after their misconduct incident (laughs at a handbook). Funny how they brag about recent changes they made; those changes should have been in place long, long ago.

Danuser releasin’ a better response than the rest for this whole thing:


As someone else posted, doing that in Texas will get you shot … and it’s a 50-50 chance that it’ll be the woman doing the shooting. :rofl:

No, I’m actually the rightful King of Quel’Thalas.