And yet people are fleeing to our states in historic numbers. My home here in Austin has appreciated 230k in ONE YEAR. All the bay area tech jobs are moving here in record numbers.
Enjoy your blue state trailer park. Please finish your GED before posting again Cleetus. You’re just making a fool out of yourself.
lifting people out of poverty, not enslaving them in welfare dependency
lower drug prices
law and order
corruption free government
peace thru strength
booming economies
Yea we’re insane. Happen to notice what post-Obama America is like Cleetus? WE have front row seats to one of the most hate filled, rage filled, toxic, divisive 12 year periods in history.
You don’t believe any of those things.
In fact you vote against every single of those points. Especially lesser drug prices!
Let’s rephrase this. I know many conservatives want lower drug prices, but not the politicians you are voting for! They don’t Support it at all. Same for the corporate DNC btw.
You can’t Name one supporting it.
A court needn’t look much further than the dismissive and condescending way Blizzard responds to their clients to establish their MO of ignoring concerns.
4.0 GPA since birth. (actually 4.4 counting my AP classes). National Honor society. 2-time student-athlete of the year. Eagle Scout. Turned down an appointment to the US Air Force Academy for a football scholarship to Cal where I completed BS’s in CS/EE and a Master in CS. Been a card carrying member of MENSA since I was 19 years old. Put off going right into a 6-figure job to serve 4 years in the Army after college. Been gainfully employed every second since. Haven’t taken a single welfare dime in my life.
Married to a pediatrician who’s been doing pro-bono work in India for the last 6 months fighting COVID.
Spend easily a dozen weekends or more a year doing various volunteer activities like volunteering at Town Lake animal shelter, the Austin food bank (also San Jose food bank when I lived there) and working for the special Olympics.
Yea my crazy conservative upbringing. Man we need a lot fewer people like my wife and I.
Perhaps you are decent. Possible. However politicians you vote for are doing nothing more than making your lives worse. I get it Dems often have corrupt trash politicians too. Both parties are bad. Truly
But all your points are not supported by the Reps (or even many conservatives). At best in name only.
It is.
You are aware the Democrats would be conservative in Canada? Or any other developed nation right?
My god this era of fake news has people like this making me want to punch people.
Right now I want you to list the top 10 bullet points of each party’s platform. Go.
It’s obvious you don’t know your backside from a hole in the ground. My god.
Fox is the only conservative cable news program. And ironically it’s rocking the most trusted news source ratings HUGE, by double digits, which is an enormous lead when it comes to TV ratings.
I just temporarily unblocked cnn from my outgoing firewall to check their website.
I want you to point out one factual, pro-conservative article on their website right now.
I’ll wait.
Here’s a gem to get you started:
" Trump loyalists echo false Arizona election fraud claims in hopes of winning midterms]"
There was ABSOLUTELY fraud found in Arizona. A BI-PARTISAN report recently came out. ABSOLUTE FRAUD FOUND IN ARIZONA. Irrefutable, definitive fact.
Can you explain that article kid? How is that conservative?
Normally I wouldn’t even waste time on someone with your intellect but this is interesting. I really wanna delve into how people become such mindless puppets to the Dems brainwashing and fake news.
By the way, the GOP has already flipped 2 very unlikely blue House seats (both have been blue for over 30 years) since the fraudulent election last year and are about to flip Michigan’s Governor seat to red. Funny CNN isn’t covering that, I wonder why.
Why? Can you read? If so you already know I don’t belong to either of those joke parties.
Ok, let’s go step by step then. You do realize the U.S. is way more right leaning than any other developed country. Right?
So: Corporate Democrats
Pro corruption
Law needs to mostly protect the rich
Pro war
Can only hope they end at least Afghanistan
Pro pharma
Anti medicare 4 all
Anti housing
Pro borders
Don’t tax the rich
Pro some gun regulation (didn’t do anything really so… eh?)
Kids in cages
Pro women’s rights
Pro voting rights
Pro corruption
Law needs only to protect the rich
Pro war
Pro pharma
Anti anything medicare
Anti housing
Pro borders
Don’t tax the rich + tax the poor (they don’t say the last part)
Against any gun regulation
Kids in cages
Against women rights
Restricting aces to voting
Pushing their religion upon everybody
It’s really bad.
It’s really bad.
Factually wrong. Yes MSNBC is the DEMS media thing, but even they are conservative. CNN is conservative. At best they sometimes do have some more open social stances that’s it. CNN is very conservative. The fact you think Fox is the only conservative news outlet shows how problematic the situation really is.
Fun fact, fox would be rather close to be called too far gone in any other country. No joke.
So you really can’t read? They donate to both parties and even more to republicans. The system is corrupt, to buy them. That’s a fact.
The only ones pushing against this are some very view dems you probably hate. Not most of the party mind you. Most are corrupt.
Ah you mean the Bush and his broth… oh you are one of the crazies. Got it.
Blizz fired a lot of people and lots of senior people left. This means they have to hire a bunch of younger people and let’s be honest, nowadays people in their 20s or even early 30s are not exactly mature and think it’s okay to do a bunch of dumb stuff; even at their place of work.