Blizzard responded

You guys want to see something super cringey?

I understand that’s how it works in the court of opinion but that’s not how it works in a court of law. Reality is not your right-wing fantasy.

This response basically confirms that this was all taking place at Blizzard at some point. In the event the tried to clean up their act over the past 2 years, that’s good, but doesn’t protect them from the hammer being dropped if the allegations are true.

Also they’ve had the same upper management for a decade. 2 years of cleanup doesn’t save you after being exposed of this kind of culture. They need to clean-house. Shareholders need to vote no on the $100M they owe the CEO, he needs to be fired immediarely. The President of Blizzard should be fired, HR and any manager-position should have be fired. Ultimately this leads to reorg for the entire organization.

Harrassment in my workplaces has never been tolerated and any employee engaging in such behavior is typically not even given a warning. You are simply gone. These people have already gotten an out for multiple years. Activision will defend itself until the board of directors likely dismantles its leadership from the top down.

If anything else happens I will be shocked. Ending these people’s careers is the only way to save its dozens of franchises from hemmoraging players.

It’s all based on what the law says. For instance, the harassment cause of action (the fifth one) is based on Gov. Code Section 12940(j), which states that harassment of certain classes of people “shall be unlawful if the entity, or its agents or supervisors, knows or should have known of this conduct and fails to take immediate and appropriate corrective action.” They reference this at line 98. So there’s three parts that need to be shown: that it was (1) known, and (2) appropriate action wasn’t (3) immediately taken. It isn’t enough under that legislation that it simply happened.

NONE OF THAT is to play down the allegations in any kind of way, but Blizzard’s response was tailored specifically to reference the notion that they feel appropriate action was taken in regards to the specific claims that were brought to the DFEH. Note that there is a statute of limitations of sorts, where complaints need to be brought within three years of the harm caused, so things that happened 10 years ago can’t be at issue here. If it was a two year investigation, and there is a three year statute of limitation, Blizzard just needs to reference actions they’ve taken within the last five years, at most.

This cringe killed me. I am dead now. Not even flexseal can save me now.

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This is a really problematic statement as it really seems to me as if they are basically admitting that while they don’t do this stuff NOW, that they may have in the past and that is what the investigation was saying.

Everyone/company deserves their day in court.

What is weird is that this is not a new thing.

I specifically remember years back when it first emerged that blizzard started the campaign to clean house in relation to poor work conditions for women.

Where was all the outrage then and why are you all still here now and didn’t quit back then? When it actually happened?

It’s rather hypocritical

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When was the last time we’ve seen a woman or a person of color represent Blizzard at Blizzcon?

Last blizzcon, the lead for the classic BC launch was a female.

Holly Longdale

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All the white kinights on this issue are clearly lacking reading comprehension skills. Thanks for dumbing it down for them.

Because some like to dispense so called ‘justice’ on others to feel morally superior. But the minute this so called ‘quick justice’ would touch them or their family members / loved ones, all of a sudden it’s ‘wait a minute!..let me tell my side of the story. Innocent until proven guilty!!!’.


Diversity and equity was not the issue here

It was sexual harassment

That response is actually pretty disturbing to me.

Wrong. You need to grow up.

Right. And you need a new brain.

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Hopefully just this iteration.

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Proving my point. Go ahead with your straw man ignoring reality

The only reality (to you) is the one you’re making up (where proper spelling also doesn’t count apparently).

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It doesn’t for the likes of you.
No one want’s to feel superior to you. You are at best making others feel pity for you because most people aren’t full of hate like you.
Everyone with a brain understands companies like Blizz are not progressive and don’t care. Only profit is important to them.

Translation: Blah blah blah. I feel morally superior to you blah blah blah

Blah blah. Blah blah.


No. If you feel that way then I am superior.

Your feelings are not reality they don’t matter.
Conservatives are so fragile. No one feels this way. Grow up snowflake.

You are choosing to defend the wrong side.

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