Blizzard removing higher end players from mythic+ dungeon pool

By altering the level of dungeons that give high end crests, Blizzard is effectively removing high-end players from mid-range keys. Currently, you would see people pushing high keys still doing +6s in order to cap out their crests. This actually helps those mid level groups.

In War Within, these players will only be spamming +9 or higher. Blizzard should improve the incentive for these players to group together.

  • Weathered (Whelpling) Harbinger Crest - Now obtained from Heroic difficulty dungeons, in addition to LFR Nerub-ar Palace and many outdoor activities.

  • Carved (Drake) Harbinger Crest - Now obtained from M0 dungeons, in addition to Normal Nerub-ar Palace and some outdoor activities.

  • Runed (Wyrm) Harbinger Crest - Now obtained from +4 to +8 keystones (was +2 to +5) and Heroic Nerub-ar Palace.

  • Gilded (Aspect) Harbinger Crest - Now obtained from +9 or higher keystones (was higher than +6) and Mythic Nerub-ar Palace.

This is an easy problem to solve. Wait a few months and buy carries for portals and the mount.

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Any other day it’s considered bad if a high ilvl/experienced person joins a lower key.

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how does taking group spots from appropriately skilled/geared players help those players?

More people, more groups. Incentivising players playing together is never a bad thing.

But the people on the bottom trying to climb were always complaining about never getting an invite because of the flood of overgeared players filling the groups.

What are you to do?


Currently, you would see people pushing high keys still doing +6s in order to cap out their crests. This actually helps those mid level groups.

That actually sucks for all the ppl involved, for the high end player it’s the equivalent of being forced to do lfr for gear, and for the people who are new and learning the presence of overgeared and experienced player, who will mass pull and explode the trash and boss in a few seconds, robs then of the possibility to learn the dg mechanics before it becomes overwhelming.

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but the pushers have higher keys, they’re not running their own. No new groups are being formed.

They’re just taking slots away from appropriately skilled players.

I agree, but being carried at best doesn’t help the other players learn the game, and at worst actively hurts them because of the “go go go, I don’t want to waste more time than I have to running low content” mentality of the pushers.

I dont do high end keys but if the game is nudging me to do a +6 when im clearing +10s then that just sounds wrong.

The m+ pool of player’s will shrink. Especially with Delves being a thing. But this is a healthy change as those left wanting to actually do a +5 will have a higher chance of finding people that actually WANT to be there. Which leads to a better experience.

Think of it from the perspectice of someone who is appropriately leveled to do a +5, you no longer have to fight with spots for over geared players.
Your perspective seems to be that of a group leader looking to build a carry roster.

because you get lower quality crests after you capped out on higher ones for the week, people can actually stay at their skill level instead of zerging through lower key levels

Would you call it a nightmare, OP?
Sorry, had to do it.

Haha - I wouldn’t go that far… but I do like nightmares :wink: 1… 2…

But in all seriousness I think the comments regarding people taking spots from lower end players is an important consideration. At the same time, I’m sure we’re all aware of the shortage of tanks and healers (possibly soon to get worse with the tanking changes they’ve made), I wonder if the removal of higher end players from the mid-level mythic pool will exacerbate this situation.

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